Chapter 9- Beginning the Tour of the Officer's Academy

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A/N: So, recently, I thought about how some anime shows have something called filler episodes. Well, I've been thinking of doing something kinda like that for this when I don't put on an actual chapter. Basically, what it will be, is a filler chapter. Filler chapters will range from a variety of things between the characters, from them doing stupid stuff like who has the best puns, to scheming and pranking. In a way, for those who have played Fire Emblem games, it would be similar to support conversations but not quite. Or for those who have played any Tales of games like Tales of Symphonia or Tales of Vesperia, it will be more like skits. Anyway, let me know in the comment section on what you think about this idea of mine lol.  

-3rd P.O.V-

After knocking Sylvain out, Brandon and Anoki carried him up to the infirmary. Laying on the floor, was the nurse, who also happens to be a professor, Manuela, passed out drunk. (B) "Well, that is Manuela for you. Let's just push him onto the bed and she can help him when she is up." (Ano) "Right..." The two pushed Sylvain onto the bed. (B) "Ok. Time to head back, and give you and Vyla the tour."

Leaving the infirmary, Anoki spoke, "Um. Is he going to be ok? With a nurse like that I mean." (B) "Yeah. he is unconscious, but I know what would cause the possibility of death with no medical support, and I hate him, but not that much. the sprint tackle impact will only leave him knocked out for a while, he will probably miss any dates he scheduled for the next three hours, and he will be fine." Anoki nodded, "Are you sure it's safe? Don't you have another doctor?" (B) "Yes it is safe, even if he doesn't get medical attention. But I agree, we need a new nurse. I've said for ages that we can't have an alcoholic be our nurse AND our professor, and that more staff needs to be hired."

The two arrived back at the dining hall. (B) "Ok, time for the tour. Vyla, Anoki, you two ready?" (V) "Yep!" (Ano) "I sure am!" Brandon nodded, "Alright. First up is the dorms. They are just over here." He left th dining hall, and headed towards the dorms, Vyla and Anoki following right behind him. (V) "Nice dorms." (B) "These are the first floor dormitories, which is where those who are more of commoners, reside. The second floor, is where the dorms for those who are technically nobles reside." (Ano) "You guys really have an interesting system." (V) "Yeah. It's really neat."

(B) "Continuing the tour, the training grounds are just up here." Brandon leads the two to the front of the dorms, just North of them. Vyla, who likes fighting, got really excited, "Heck yeah!" Walking inside, Anoki and Vyla could see training dummies and archery targets everywhere. As well as free cloths to wipe off sweat. They could even see a trench around the edge to help practice strategy. And in the middle of the room, they could see a dueling arena. Anoki looked around in amazement.

(V) "This is just so cool!" (R) "Me, Brandon, and Leonie are here every morning around 4 am." (V) "Holy crap, that's early." (B, L, and R) "We don't need sleep, we need training." (V) "Well, I mean, technically sleep is important for your body to function. But hey, no complaints from me! The earliest I've gotten up is 5 am." (B) "I've pulled an all nighter before. 36 hours straight and no sleep." (V) "Same for me. I've been up 'til 5 am playing a video game." (B) "I was up literally all night hitting a training dummy."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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