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Hello. Any art you see is mine by the way. This is going to be a romance type thing. It will most likely be more of a slow romance though. The main character is going to be my oc Vyla. I will be having my friend's oc Brandon Chorda Emerald in this as well. It is going to be a Harry Potter and Fire Emblem: Three houses crossover story. My oc is from Britian and it starts out in Hogwarts. My character as well as my friends are Ravenclaws just so you know. My friend's Oc is going to be an x Leonie and he is also from Fodlan. I was thinking of there being romance involved with my oc and Claude. The events in the story that take place, are more or less throughout the Golden Deer route. There will be quite a few time skips as well. I plan on putting a lot of hard work into this story so I hope you guys enjoy this story like I did with the roleplay I was in that has inspired me to make this story. I also plan on making a sequel, which would take place during the mobile Fire Emblem game, Fire Emblem Heroes. This is the first time I have ever made a story, so I will be going through everything with you all. Also, the picture above, is Vyla's outfit before a 5 year time skip, when she goes to Fodlan. Thank you guys so much!

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