Chapter 5-Arriving in Fodlan

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A/n: this is a little on the shorter side as well.

-3rd P.O.V-

Vyla pulled out 2 canteens, one for her and one for Brandon. Her canteen had a cherry blossom design and some form of Japanese engraved into it, while Brandon's had moving swords on it. "Need water?", she asked, holding his out to him. "Thank you so much!", he exclaimed.

"Your welcome", she said, smiling, "I made these myself actually, and I used a tad bit of magic for yours, for the moving swords." "Nice! Ok, we should have to go straight South, and we'll arrive.", he said.

Anoki held tight to Philip, as the wyvern took off into the air, and Vyla following after. "Woowho!", Brandon exclaimed, clearly happy to be flying again. "Someone is happy.", Vyla said.

~about 15 minutes of flying later~

Vyla suddenly sped ahead of Brandon, possibly challenging him, and she was still standing on her broom. "I FEEL GREAT!!!!", she exclaimed. Brandon then sped up ahead of her, going from 100, to 230. "Oh you're on!", she exclaimed and flew a but faster. They raced each other for a bit until Brandon slowed down.

"We should take a break." Vyla suggested. "Yeah.", Brandon agreed, "The nearest rest area is about a mile from here."

They land on a nearby island to take a small break for about 15 minutes, before setting off again. "We are to land in a large field, just outside the training grounds. You will see a group of people waiting.", Brandon said. Vyla nods, understanding.

Brandon looks at Vyla, "Down for a race?", he asked. Vyla looked at him eagerly, "Heck yeah!", she exclaimed. They both race ahead, at super fast speeds, while Anoki holds onto Philip for dear life. Brandon shouts from miles ahead, "Well, there it is. Garreg Mach! Guess you travel pretty fast flying at 500." Brandon had the head start, but Vyla had the speed, as Brandon didn't want to hurt Anoki, he didn't go full speed. The two tied as they came in at a landing.

"Well, that was fun. The wind always feels nice.", Vyla said with a smile. Brandon jumped off of Philip, unsheathed his swords, and does a backflip off the wyvern, throwing the swords and hitting dead center on two targets a mile away in the training grounds, and does a pk roll. "Hey everyone! It's been a while.", he said, addressing the 10 people standing there.

"Vyla, Anoki, meet Annette, Lorenz, Claude, Hilda, Mercedes, Leonie, Raphael, Marriane, Ignatz, and Lysithea. Annette, Lorenz, Claude, Hilda, Mercedes, Leonie, Raphael, Marriane, Ignatz, and Lysithea, meet Anoki and Vyla.", he said. He hugged Leonie and Raphael and waved to everyone else.

Vyla looked curiously at the 10 people in front of her. "Hello!", she said. Claude responds, "Hey! It is Vyla right? Nice to meet ya!" "Yeah I am Vyla", she responded, feeding Amaterasu a treat.

Anoki cautiously transformed back into a human, and Hilda jumped. "Whoah! Did that cat just be become a person?", she asked.

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