{Josie meets a hangover}

Start from the beginning

"And you're not being petty?", Pepper raises her eyebrows.


"Tony, you're the adult, you need to make her feel like it's alright for her to speak to you.". Pepper says.

"She knows she can speak to me, but she's been ignoring me for a week."

"You've been ignoring her for a week too. Just talk to her.", she insists.

"Yeah, Tony. Grow up.", Clint joins the conversation.

"Um, this is quite a private conversation. We don't need your input.", Tony glares at Clint.

"I think Tony should talk to her. Let's put it to a vote.", Thor suggests.

"No, we will not be putting my relationship with my daughter to a vote."

"Everyone for him talking to her, please raise your hand.", Rhodes says, everyone, except Sam and Tony, raises their hand, "Everyone against him talking to her, please raise your hand."

Only Sam raises his hand, "What? I'm enjoying the drama. It's like free reality TV."

"I pay for everything here, you already have free reality TV.", Tony rolls his eyes.

"Regardless, the results are in, and it's almost a unanimous vote for talking to her. Off you go, Tony.", Thor walks over to Tony and begins to usher him out.

As he walks out, he mutters to himself, "Why am I taking parenting advice from a bunch of people who dress up in spandex for a living?". As much as he hates to admit it though, he knows they're right. If things with Josie carry on the way they're going at the moment, she'll just keep acting up to annoy him, which will only make him even angrier at her, then they'll yell at each other, then she'll keep acting up to annoy him, and the cycle continues.

Up in her room, Josie scrolls through YouTube, trying to take her mind off everything that's going on. Every now and then, a video about Tony Stark, or the Avengers, or even Spider-Man would pop up, but she just ignored them. One caught her attention though, it was titled, 'Top 10 things you didn't know about Tony Stark!'. She scoffs a little at the title but is still curious to see what secrets the media thinks he's hiding. So, despite her gut telling her not to, she clicks on the video.

"Hey! Welcome back to Top 10 Lists USA!", the man doing the voiceover for the video says, sounding far too excited, "Tony Stark is a genius, CEO, playboy, billionaire, and superhero, amongst other things. It seems like his entire life is in the public eye, but there are still some things you might not know about him. Be sure to stay tuned until number one for a massive shock. Number ten, he graduated college at only seventeen! Whilst most of us don't leave high school until eighteen, the son of billionaire, Howard Stark, graduated college before most kids had finished twelfth grade. Number nine, he lives with the Avengers. Whilst this may not come as a surprise to many, we'd have thought he'd have preferred the privacy of one of his many other houses. Number eight, he's in a committed relationship. For most of his life, Tony Stark has been a notorious playboy,", Josie grimaced as he said this, "but in recent years, he's settled down in a relationship with his ex-personal assistant, now CEO of Stark Industries, Pepper Potts. Number seven, he's a passionate dancer.", she almost burst out laughing when she heard this, "It is reported that he has had a private dance studio built in many of his residences. A dance instructor has also been sighted entering his main home, the Avengers facility in upstate New York.", well, at least they had some reasoning for thinking that, "Number six, he suffers from anxiety. Between fighting aliens, terrorists, and robots, Tony Stark is constantly under pressure. He has been seen to have anxiety attacks in public, especially when the topic of the attack on New York is brought up. Number five, he loves cheeseburgers. You'd expect someone so wealthy, to have equally expensive tastes. However, reportedly, when he returned from being held in a cave in Afghanistan, the first thing he asked for was an 'American cheeseburger'. Then, he drove to Burger King and bought three cheeseburgers. Number four, he is very similar to his father. Though most people nowadays don't know a ton about legendary weapons developer, Howard Stark, in the nineteen-forties and fifties, he was a household name. Renowned for his playboy ways and natural charm, he was the talk of the tabloids, much like his son, Tony. Number three, he didn't used to get along with Captain America. When the attack on New York took place, Stark was forced to team up with a group of heroes, now known as the Avengers. However, initially, they didn't hit it off. Apparently, the group constantly argued when they first, but nobody quite bickered like the billionaire and the patriot. Now though, there isn't any bad blood between the pair, and they even, as previously mentioned, live together in the Avengers facility now. Number two, Pepper Potts isn't the only woman he's been in a public, committed relationship with. Back in the late nineties to early noughties, he was in a relationship with aspiring actress, Lily Nicholson.", Josie's mom. Clearly, the people in this video know more about her than Josie, no sarcasm intended. "The two were sighted all over Malibu together until two-thousand and one when it is assumed they broke up. However, nothing is really known about the nature of their breakup, since Tony Stark has never spoken publicly about it, and Lily disappeared from the public eye after. Their relationship brings us to number one, Tony Stark has a daughter.", as he says this, Josie drops her phone on her bed, and her jaw drops. Obviously, she isn't surprised that Tony Stark has a daughter since she is the daughter, but she's shocked that people know about her.  The video continues, "During the two-thousands, it was common knowledge that he's a father, but after he was kidnapped in Afghanistan and became Iron Man, his daughter stopped making public appearances. We also made a full video about her, be sure to check that out after this video!", and with that, they completely breeze over Josie's existence, and the fact that they know she exists, changing the subject entirely, "Thanks for watching, comment down below which of these facts totally shocked you! We can't get over him dancing! Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more awesome content like this!"

With that, the video ended, and a link to a video titled 'Tony Stark, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist... father?! Everything we know about Joselyn Stark!' pops up.  It is not a good idea to click that link, but Josie can't help herself...

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