All Stories Eventually Come To An End

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Chapter 20 the final chapter

I was going to tear this man apart, he dare lay a hand on Josie. Im going to make him wish he never met my family.

I made my way infront of him, not breaking eye contact as the veins formed under my eyes. My breathing was more of a low growl as I ran at him leaping in the air as I transformed into a wolf.

He seemed a bit suprised at my transformation before regaining his composer. I didnt give him enough time to defend himself before I dug my sharp fangs into the skin of his arm, tearing at it.

He yelped in pain as I tore his arm off, growling as blood dripped from my mouth.

Blood spattered out of his arm as he continued to scream "You filthy mutt!" He growled holding the rest of his arm he had left.

I stared him down, in my wolf form it probably looked more intimidating since he tried to reason with me. Begging me not to hurt him further. But I blocked out his plea's.

About to lung at him once again a hurt Alaric jumped infront of me. "We don't kill" He stated holding his hand out infront of him to keep my away.

My head went low as I continued to growl "Hope, calm down" Penelope whispered stepping beside Alaric.

I wasnt backing down, I was about to lung at them only in an attempt to make them move until Josie jumped in the way. My composer instantly softened.

"Focus on my voice" She whispered slowly moving towards me.

I saw her nod her head back at them before reaching me and petting my soft fur.

"Im ok, its going to be ok"

Without warning I transformed back into human causing Josie to jump back in suprise.

"I'll never get use to that" She threw me her jacket, I couldn't keep my eyes off her red face. I slowly put the jacket on, it barley covered much of my lower body but it was better than nothing.

"Thanks" I said softly.

I gazed into her eyes as she gazed into mine, the world slowly disappearing. We both leaned in for a soft kiss, our lips almost touching when we heard my name being called. "Hope! Hope! Where is she?!"

I chuckled at the sound of Landons running feet before wrapping my arm around Josie as his figure came into view.

"How are you alive?" He asked, panting.

He was covered in dust, probably had died like usual trying to defend my honor. He looked me up and down which made me uncomfortable before his cheeks turned red and he looked away quickly.

"Must I remind you im an original, first born Mikaelson witch, Cresent wolf alpha" I looked over to Josie "im practically indestructible"

"Well uh, im glad you're ok"

"Just reminding you Kirby, she's mine."

I chuckled as Josie innocently waved goodbye at Landon before we headed inside the building.

Once we arrived to my room, Josie quirked an eyebrow at me as I sat in my bed.


"Go take a shower, you're covered in blood"

"A shower? You didn't mind all this blood earlier"

"Thats because I really wanted to kiss you"

I slowly began walking towards her, a smirk forming on my face. "You still can"

She shook her head as she pointed to the bathroom "Shower!" She demanded.

I sighed in return before the smirk formed on my face again "Come with me?"

"W-w-what?" She stuttered.

"Im kidding" I waved my hand in dismissal as I dropped the jacket she gave me, with no care in the world. Closing the the door to the bathroom shortly behind me.

It wasn't long before it opened back up "Does the offer still stand?" Josie asked.

I smiled "Of course"

You'd probably think we'd do more then actually shower but it was innocent, I just wanted Josie to be comfortable anyway.

As the sun began to set Jo and I sat in the grass looking at the many colors that had formed in the sky.

"Its beautiful"

I looked at Jo as she gazed up at the sky "You're beautiful" I whispered.

She looked my way with a soft smile. "Ya know, I always kind of had a thing for you. Even when I was with Penelope or Landon"

I was taken aback by her confession, the air around us became a soft breeze as I stared into her soft brown eyes they were only filled with love, love for me and only me.

"Since we're admitting things..I loved you even when I was pining after Raf or sleeping with Landon"

"Dont remind me" Jo gaged and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'll love you forever"

"I'll love you longer than that" Josie replied before kissing my cheek.

I smiled as I cupped her face turning it back towards me, kissing her soft lips. We both smiled into the kiss as the sun set beamed on one side of our face.

I wanted to spend eternity with this girl, and hopefully one day she'd want to too.


       I hope you enjoyed the story, or atleast liked some chapters of it. This is my first hosie fan fiction I've written, well its my first fan fiction entirely.

The end was always meant to come.

900 words.

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