Today Is Just The Beginning

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"Hope!" Landon called running towards me

I had a crush on Landon a year ago and we've dated, I just realized that we weren't exactly right for eachother and he agreed.

"Yes Landon?" I asked a little bit annoyed
"There is a party tonight, I was wondering if you'd be my date. In a friendly kind of way. Ya know?" Landon replied

"Uh, ill think about it but ill be there. At the party" I forced a smile.

"OK see you there" Landon waved as he walked away with a smile

I didnt really like parties if I was being honest but I feel like getting drunk and letting go a little, cause why not?
I was getting ready for this hopefully fun party. I just put on some light make up, a red dress and walked towards the Old Mill where the parties always are.

"Hey! You made it!" Rafael smiles brightly

I always knew Rafael had a bit of a crush on me and I didnt mind. Seeing as of the moment I like him too.

"Of course I did, wouldn't miss it for the world!" I chuckled

"Hope! Hi. Want to dance?" Landon asked excitingly.

I think he was a little drunk as he slurred his words just a tiny bit. I didnt really want to dance with him and thats when I saw Josie walk in. She looked beautiful.

Her and Penelope have been dating so of course she walked in with Penelope. They were cute together. I did get a bit annoyed whenever they would fight like no one was around then break up just to get back together a few days later.

"Uh yeah, ill dance with you just let me grab a drink real quick" I forced a smile as I walked toward the drinks followed by Landon.

I downed a whole cup then grabbed hold of Landon and led him to the dance floor. It wasn't a slow song which I was glad about because I really didn't want to get all close and personal with Landon. I love him I do, I'm just not IN love with him anymore.

The song had a nice beat to it which made me form a genuine smile as I danced to the music. I could see Landon staring at me as he danced. I couldn't help but laugh as I remembered how when we first danced he mentioned he wasn't good at dancing. And right now he was definitely proving his point.

"Hey! Come on dont laugh at me. I'm trying  my best here!" Landon laughed a little trying to act offended.

"Im sorry but what is that dance!" I laughed.

Landon was just whiping his body around and his head was flying with it. He paused once I began laughing at him but I couldn't get the image out of my head.

"Hope, hey!" Someone called before Landon could reply.

I whiped my head around to find Josie smiling at me and Penelope waving.

"Jos! Hey!" I looked towards Penelope and smiled as I waved back.

I've had a crush on Josie before. I never told her but I did tell Lizzie, I wonder where she is right now. She would usually hang out with me. We're good friends, maybe even best friends? I dont know but it's way better than her hating me.

"You having fun?" She asked

"Yeah! Are you 2 having fun?" I asked back

"Yeah, we just saw you and Penelope agreed that it was a good idea to say hey" Jos answered.

"Have you seen Lizzie by any chance?" I questioned looking around.

"Uh yeah, she is with Mg at the moment. I think she is going to give him a chance" Jos replied smiling

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