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Chapter 17

"Wake up! I have training with Alaric and I didnt want you to think I ditched you" Hope yelled, shaking the bed as she bounced up and down.

"Ughh, can I ever just sleep in?"

"No, because if I can't you cant"

"Thats mean" I pouted.

"Dont make that face, it makes me feel bad"

"Well that was my intention" I kissed her on the cheek "Have fun with my dad"

"I'll try, bye Jos"

And with that she was out the door, leaving me alone in her room, alone. There Is so much I could do in this room, like snoop around. Sleep, shower?

I chose option 3, shower. Grabbing some clothes I left her one night I headed into the bathroom turning on the bath and putting my hand under the water waiting for it to get at the right temperature.

Once it was warm enough I turned on the shower, played some music, took off my clothes and hopped in.

The shower lasted about 40 minutes, half of it was just me singing like I was in a musical.

After I got changed I decided to go back to my room and check up on Lizzie.

I knocked twice then opened the door to see a drousy Lizzie cuddled up to a sleeping Mg. "You two are adorable!" I cheered in a whisper. Lizzie just shook her head at me then laid back down "Welcome to the land of the.. In between dead and alive. Glad to have you back, Jo."

"I never left"

Lizzie yawned, I could tell she was going to fall back asleep at any moment
"Whatever you say. Im going back to bed ill talk to you later"

I nodded her way before grabbing some work from my classes and heading to the library to study.

The library was the best place to study, it was quiet, large and had more books to help with assignments.

I was writing down a few notes when I felt a head lay on my shoulder "Hey" She whispered in my ear before sitting down next to me. My face instantly lit up when I heard her voice "Hope! how was training?"

"Boring, I wish you were there with me."

"Maybe next time I should be" Hope quirked an eyebrow before a smile formed on her face "Agreed"

"So, what are you studying for? Do you need any help"

"Oh, no no no no. I'm not studying anymore. We're going to hang out"

"Mmm, a little adventure sounds fun"

I grabbed my books and Hopes hand leading her away from the Library and towards my room. I made sure to knock twice before entering. "Morning Jo" Lizzid yawned, stretching as she was already out of bed.

Mg was just smiling at me, he was still in the covers.

"Hey, Mikaelson"

"Saltzman" Hope replied giving my sister a nod.

"Where are you two going?" MG asked.


Hope smiled adding to my reply "On an adventure."

"Care for a double date?" Mg asked pulling the blankets off him and standing up, he was shirtless but had some black shorts on which reached his mid thighs.

I looked at Hope who just shrugged "Yeah, sure. Why not" I sent a smile Hopes way and she gave one back. She was a little too cheery this morning and it kind of threw me off.

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