Parties Arent Really Filled With Good Luck

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Chapter 10

I didnt end up falling a sleep last night like Penelope and Josie did. Meeting a new person who was trying to kill me didnt help much either.

I was still curious on what he was injecting inside of me, it was probably what caused my dizzy spells.

I wasnt too worried however my healing abilities will kick the drug right out of my system. It may take a while but I trusted myself.

I had just finished Maze Runner Scorch Trails when the alarm went off. It startled me a bit causing me to jump up knocking both Penelope and Josies heads in the process.

"Ughh, turn it off" Josie groaned laying her head back on my shoulder.

"Why'd you hit my head? I'm trying to sleep" Penelope yawned not opening her eyes as she turned the other way.

"We have class you two, sorry but you have to get up" I slowly moved away from Josies head getting out of the bed as she groaned, missing my warm figure.

"Get up!" I called clapping my hands together.

"Why are you so energized you got less sleep than me" Penelope groaned slowly sitting up with her eyes still closed.

"I have to get ready and I need you guys awake so we won't be late to class" I said ignoring Penelopes question.

Josie ended up throwing a pillow my way, trying to shut me up, I winked at her once I caught it with my fast reflexes smirking as I threw it in her direction hitting her right in the face.

"Curse your vampire speed" Josie mumbled, crawling out of bed.

I chuckled lightly as she headed towards the door "See you two at breakfast" The brunette waved, shutting the door behind her.

I looked towards Penelope who still hadn't left my bed. She had her eyes closed while sitting up facing in my direction.

I cocked my head to the side as I came up with an idea. Grabbing a cup from the bathroom I turned on the shower, making it cold. I filled the cup up to the top before slowly returning to the room where I threw the cup on Penelope.

"Oh.. My God! Mikaelson what the fuck!" Penelope cried out. Surely she was wide awake now.

I laughed as she got up chasing after me casting water spells in my direction.

When she realized she wasn't going to get me any time soon, she sighed. "Im going to take a shower now" I smiled at her as I watched water drip from her damped clothes and follow her down the corridor as she left.
I was about to leave for breakfast when Raf walked in

"Hey..." He waved sheepishly.

"Hi" I replied. He smiled at me and usually I'd smile back but his smile didn't give off that effect anymore.

"Want to walk with me to breakfast?" He asked, holding out a hand.

"Actually, ill meet you there. Thanks for the offer tho"

His smile faded "Oh.. Ok. See ya around"

I waited a few minutes after he left before I made my way toward the cafeteria. It was loud as a usual cafeteria would be. I stood at the entrance looking around before spotting Maya and Ethan waving my way. I waved back letting them know I could see them before grabbing an apple and heading toward them.

"Goodmorning" Maya said all cheery. "Morning" I replied showing no emotion as I sat down.

"Why did you just grab an apple?" Ethan asked looking between my apple and his plate which had strawberries, pancakes and bacon on it.

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