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Chapter 11

I slid down a tree, staring at the sky slowly seeing less stars as my drunken state began to disappear.

"Hope! Hope.. There you are" I heard Josie call breathing heavy as she probably ran after me. "Yep... Here I am" I muttered.

Josie slid down the tree as she sat next to me, I could feel her staring but I didnt dare look her way.

"Im sorry about Jade.. She was drunk and I think she likes me" Josie said sheepishly.

"Yeah..." I sighed still staring at the stars.

"They're beautiful aren't they?" Josie said grabbing my attention, as I turned to look at her. "What?" I whispered, not meaning to. "The stars" Josie smiled looking up at the sky. I stared at her for a few more seconds examining her face before following her gaze back to the sky. "Yeah" I mumbled.

"We should probably get back inside" Josie sighed looking back towards me before continuing her sentence. "who knows whats lurking out here, in the shadows" She said looking around genuinely worried as I looked back at her.

"I guess"

Josie stood up first holding her hand out to me, people do this a lot. I chuckled softly shaking my head as a confused Josie tilted hers in question. She never ended up saying anything as I grabbed her soft hands being pulled up.

Her hand was softer than Maya's but seemingly bigger.

We walked back to my room in silence, I took glances at her face every know and then, taking notes in my head. Her jawline wasnt pointy but it was there. Her lips were plump, probably tasted like alcohol at the moment. Her eyes barley stayed open, letting me know she was tired. Her skin was fairly tan and her cheeks looked very soft with an almost unnoticeable tint of red in them.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked whipping her head my way as I faced forward not daring to look at her.

"No reason" I replied softly.

We arrived at my room, Josie smiling at me as she slowly let go of my hand almost hesitantly.

"Goodnight Hope"

"Goodnight Jo"

I watched her walk away as I shut my door plopping onto my bed which melted under my weight. I fell a sleep almost instantly. Probably since I didnt sleep much last night.

The taste of blood filled my mouth, human blood. The real kind.

The fingers gripping onto tan skin that quickly turned pale.

My grip tightening around their arm as I sucked them dry, dropping their body on the ground.

I jumped up in my bed, my frightened state causing a wave of magic to exit my body, knocking down or cracking anything in its path.

I sighed as I looked at the time, it was 3 In the morning.

Not wanting to have another nightmare of killing someone I got up, pushing the covers off me as I headed to the kitchen.

I grabbed a blood bag chugging it down, trying not to think too much about how it tasted.

"Happy Birthday"  Penelope called walking into the kitchen. Without even looking up I knew she was smiling at me it was evident in her voice.

"What? Its not my birthday" I replied thinking back to what day it was.

"Mmmm, im pretty sure it is."

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