How Did This Happen? Chapter 8

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Hopes pov

Raf gave me a sympathetic look as he laid me down on my bed pulling pajamas out for me.

I didnt feel like talking much, my chest still ached from the hole that was inflicted in it.

I was grateful that Raf carried me to my room but I honestly just wanted to be left alone right now.

"Hope, im sorry I couldn't protect you"

"I find you saying that a lot Raf, apologizing for not protecting me" My voice croaked as I continued "But the problem is I dont want your apologies and I sure as hell dont want your protection" I said looking Raf in his eyes trying to see his reaction. He looked hurt by my words, I sighed before pointing to the door gesturing him to leave.

"I'll check on you tomorrow"

I nodded letting him know I heard him before turning on my side to face the wall and waiting for him to leave.

He didnt leave right away he actually stood there staring at me for a while before finally walking towards the door and shutting it.
I sighed laying down in my bed unable to sleep.

All I could think about was the gun going off and me being afraid for Josies life, which reminds me where Is Josie?

I contemplated leaving my room to check on here. I liked the silence I was finally granted.

I eventually got up and walked towards Lizzie and Josies room, knocking lightly.

"Hope?" Lizzie groaned, rubbing her eyes. "Hope!" She repeated more freaked out by my presence.

"Hey Lizzie, is Josie here?" I asked

"Uh, no try Penelopes room"

I groaned before giving a shy smile in Lizzies direction as she closed the door in my face. I guess we're back to being enemies.

I closed my eyes sighing internally as I headed in the direction of Penelopes room.

Her room was on the other side of the school, which I hated because we'd always hang out past curfew and traveling back to my room before making sure she was ok was a walk I didnt like.

Once I reached her room I knocked softly hoping this would be quick. So I could leave and return back to the cold environment which was my room.

"Mikaelson? What are you doing here" Penelope asked. Her eyes were puffy, it looked like she'd been crying.

"Are you ok?" I asked worringly.

"Me and Josie broke up" Penelope said with a sigh.

I stared at her for a moment processing the information. Then I pulled her in for a hug

"Im sorry Pen" I muttered.

She pulled me off her before giving me an angry glare.

"You kissed Josie" Penelope growled.

"Im sorry Penelope, I was vulnerable and wasn't thinking!" I said trying to defend myself.

"You kissed her twice!" Penelope shouted more angrier than the first time.

"I know it was wrong Pen, I didn't mean to do it she kissed me and I got caught in the moment" Penelope cut me off by using her magic to throw me out her room and into the hall.

She slammed her door afterwards. Leaving me on the ground. I stared at the ceiling in disbelief. How can everything go so wrong so fast?

I listened to her muffled cries as I left the building on my way to search for Josie. I needed answers.

I knew she wasn't with Lizzie because it looked like Penelope had been crying for a while so that mean she was either at the old mill or the lake.

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