Chapter 32

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My brother and Aiden have been planning to attack Don Corelli for weeks now. Every time I tried getting inside the meeting room they either kicked me out or kept quiet as soon as I entered.

Ugh why can't they just tell me what they are planning.

It has been weeks since me and Aiden had sex. He's been so busy with my beloved brother. Maybe I can spice things up. I was wearing my shirt, so I removed it and wore Aiden shirt -since I know that me wearing his shirt actually turns him on- and kept the shorts, checked myself in the mirror.

Yup this will work.

I entered his office, Aiden was typing something on the computer while drinking coffee. He stopped typing stared at me intently. I just shrugged at him innocently and turned my back on him, removed my/his shirt and purposefully riling him up by removing it slowly as I walked out the office door before leaving my shirt on the chair next to the door. I smirked to myself as I heard a clatter.

"Shit." He groaned.

Think about that asshole.

Just before I walk out, I shouted, "Don't even try to follow me!"

I laughed to myself as I heard him mutter before I left him alone in the office and went straight into his bedroom to take a shower.

A really long shower.


"So you wanted to tell me something." I'm currently sitting in a coffee shop infant of Alec he called me here to tell me face to face. And Since Aiden is so freakin' busy, I had to do something with my time than just sitting around while they plan to attack Corelli without getting me into it. Aiden specifically told me not to hang out with Alec alone. Who is he to tell me who to see and who not to, well I know he's my boyfriend and all but I still can meet whoever I want to meet.

"Yeah, how are you?"

"I'm are you?" I took a sip of my hot chocolate.

"I'm good. So listen I am sorry about before, you know all the flirting, the drug and all." He sounded....genuine. And I believed him.

"Yeah you already apologised because of you know all of that, and I actually forgave you long time ago when you helped us with Desmond's situation. Remember." I said.

"Yeah that." And he smiled and I smiled back. He's actually a decent guy without the flirting.

"The truth is I do care about your brother...and I also care about you. And I wanted to tell you that your parents made a deal parents before....they died that we will protect you and whenever your brother needs help in any way that I-we should be there."

"What?" I'm surprised.

"When I drugged you I didn't know that you were Marcello's family at the beginning and I know that doesn't justify what I did but I'm really sorry."

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