Chapter 13

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"You really didn't have to do that John. I could've paid for the half of it."Paul said as he was playfully balancing on the edge of the pavement. "I know you're broke Paul."John snickered, making the younger lad groan.

It was true though. The black-haired used to save money and in the end spend it on vinyl records or alcohol.

"So, where are we going to?" Paul had asked as he walked next to John. "There's this pretty lake near the woods. My uncle has got a little cottage there. If we're lucky we might even find some beers."Sounds like a plan." John replied. "Sounds like a plan." Paul smiled and they walked to where John was leading them.

"You know, I could kidnap you just like that Paul." John smirked as they were almost there. "Eh, I trust you." Actually, Paul wanted to make a joke but he was glad he said this 'cause the sight of the tough older boy, blushing made his heart melt, more than anything else.

"Ah here we go." John took out two beers out of the cupboard and handed one to Paul. They both sat down on the little bench right in front of the small lake. "Man, you were right when you said it's a pretty lake." John only mouthed a short "mhm" and took an arm around the other.

Paul's hand eventually found John's and he rested his head on the taller's. They sat there until John finally spoke:"Paul?" His head left the other's shoulder. "Hm?" Paul's eyes sparkled at John. "Listen Paul, I know it's our first date and all but right now, I really only want to kiss you."

Paul's eyes immediately widened at what the other had said. This was really happening to him. And it wasn't a dream or a scenario, it was real life. Though, he waited for this moment since he was about five, something was holding him back. Suddenly he felt anxious, insecure and somehow sad.
Hey people.
So after a long long time, I'm back with another short and crappy chapter. I'll try to upload more often now but I can't promise anything. Anyways, see the gripweed pic I put up there to bless your eyes and enjoy the rest of your day. :)

Ps. I used to think gripweed was some kind of weed help

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