"okay, after this, where do you want to go for lunch?" jean questioned as you both were making your way to an area where there were less people.

"i don't know, somewhere to eat? it doesn't matter as long as we get to eat," you answered, thinking about a restaurant to go to. it didn't have to be something fancy, you even ate at fast food restaurants when you were craving them.

"wendy's?" jean joked, earning a light slap on the arm from you. "okay, how about a ramen shop? i heard there was a new one opening in town just a couple miles down a few blocks from here."

"sure sounds like a good plan," you agreed, as you two soon found a spot away from most of the people. "what do you even plan on doing?"

"well, lately i've been practicing bench pressing at home and i wanted to try heavier barbells but my dad won't allow me to get the heavier ones until my birthday," jean explained, rolling his eyes in annoyance before placing down his gym bag and taking off the sweater he was wearing.

you saw a glimpse of his defined abs when he lifted his sweater, and you felt like a criminal for looking down at his abs. you turned away and thankfully he didn't realize that you were looking at that spot, he would've teased you.

"is that why you came here to the gym and brought me along?" you questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"most likely yes, i want someone to see and judge me on my progress," jean admits with a sly smile, tossing his sweater to the side and began to stretch his arms.

"you know that i barely know shit about exercising," you crossed your arms and jean just shrugged.

"just.. watch me lift these heavy ass barbells," jean said, and you just nodded your head. he was clearly trying to show off, but that was how jean was really. "if i left to a certain amount, you'll have to buy me ice cream."

"seriously?" you raised an eyebrow, before taking off your huge hoodie and tossing it to the ground beside of jean's belongings.

"yes duh, no complaints! just give me a random number to lift to," jean began as he was stretching his arms out, his smile still on his face. "but just don't go to 100 please, you'll probably kill me."

"yeah yeah, i know," you said, humming for a moment and thought of a number. "okay, how about 35?"

"that's a deal," jean smirked, finishing up his stretching before making his way towards the rack where the barbells were located.

when jean left, you began to do your own stretching. you didn't know what you planned to do, you followed a simple certain work out routine but today you didn't really feel like working out.

jean was approaching the rack with the barbells, and noticed that the heaviest one hadn't been taken yet and was about to reach and grab it off. just then, another pair of hands grabbed onto the heaviest barbell when jean grabbed onto it.

jean turned to the person who had grabbed onto it, sending them a slight glare, "hey, i grabbed this first—" jean said, making eye contact with the person, who had been a male.

"huh? no you didn't, i grabbed this first," the male spoke, rather irritated with jean. they both began to hold onto the barbell, seeking dominance over it. "you should let go, you horse looking face."

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