"There," My mom said as she assembled my top knot, "you look perfect." I couldn't see myself, but it was weird to get back into Fire Nation clothing. I can't even remember the last time I did. My mother stood down in front of me and held me with both her hands. "There is a big chance that you will see your ex boyfriend today. But, I'll take care of it. You just stay put." She said, giving me a quick hug.

"You don't have to worry about that mom," I said when I grabbed a knife and hid it under my robes, "because if I see him, I'm gonna kill him." I muttered under my breath. Even though I whispered it, I saw in the corner of my eye the nastiest and most evil smile I've ever seen on the face of my own mother.

Nervously I walked up on deck, joining Hakoda, Katara, Sokka and the rest. "Wow, you look fierce." Katara said to me.
I look ridiculous. "Thanks." I replied with a forced smile.

"There they are," Hakoda said when he looked through his binocular, "the great Gates of Azulon."
"I don't see any gates." Katara said, trying to look around.
"That's because they pull it up." I said grimly, looking at the statue of Azulon.

"Katara, Lynn," Hakoda said, looking down at his daughter and friend, "you two and the swamp benders whip up a fog cover."
"We'll sneak by them statues like we sneaked by that Fire Navy blockade." One of the swamp dudes said. I think for the first time in my life I saw my mother water bend. It was weird, not normal to see. But she looked very gracious... and dangerous. "Keep it up! We're almost through." Hakoda encouraged them.

They managed to cover all five of the warships, but it wasn't enough. The bell rang and the net was raised and set on fire. We were unable to get across. They send out guards to try and attack our ships. "Everyone below deck!" Hakoda ordered. We all went down and we got led into a metal sort of fish. Teo's father was behind some buttons and when he pressed it, the thing started to move.

"You've really outdone yourself this time, Sokka." Hakoda said proudly. "Yeah, congratulations Sokka," Toph blurted out. She looked just as green as her outfit. "You managed to invent a worse way of traveling than flying." The duke sat next to her and took off his helmet. "Helmet?" He asked, giving Toph his helmet to puke in. Which she did.

"Well, I just came up with the idea, the mechanist did all the work." Sokka said. "Don't sell yourself short boy," the mechanist replied, "it was your idea to use water bending to make the sub sink and float."
The closer we got to the Fire Nation capitol, the more nervous I started to get. I was pacing up and down in the sub wishing to just get out and swim all the way back to wherever.
"There is only one problem, we don't have enough air supply, we need to go to the surface before making it to shore." The mechanist added a bit later.

That would actually be the perfect opportunity.

"Don't even think about it." My mother said as if she could read my mind when she suddenly stood behind me.
"What? What are you talking about? I'm not doing anything!" I exclaimed panicky. "You want to loosen up your robes, do you?" She sighed exasperated when she yanked at the belt that held my robes together, "It needs to be nice and tight, otherwise it gets all big and make you look fat."

"Mom, we can make it nice before the coronation," I said carefully, trying to find the most soothing words I can find before she snaps my neck or something, "it isn't such a big deal now, right?"
"Just do as I tell you, please, Istari." My mother said as she yanked the belt even tighter, pushing all the air out of my lungs.
"Mom, I can't breathe." I said, gasping for air. "Can't you just listen to me once?!" My mother said angrily, "Let me have you for one day, okay? Can I please dress you and talk to you how I want to without your father constantly watching me?!" I gaped at her, as did the whole sub. "I'm sorry." I said shocked, turning around again to let her fix my belt.

"Lynn, Lynn, listen," Bato said when he stood down in front of her, his hands resting on her shoulder, "you are here with us. Everything's fine. Istari is only having a bit of a difficulty to breathe. Your husband is not here anymore, okay? Calm down, everything's fine." Bato turned to me and got close to me.

"What was that?!" I asked him panicky. "Your mother went through a lot, Istari," Bato whispered, his voice almost breaking, "I'll talk to you after this is over, it's gonna be okay." With those words, he turned to my mother and walked away with her to the back of the sub.

"I can't take this anymore, can I please get some air here?" I said, quickly flapping my hands towards my face. "Yeah, let's take her up." Sokka replied. We slowly got back to the surface and as soon as the hatch opened I climbed onto the top of the sub, taking deep breaths. Katara, Sokka and Toph walked up to me and Aang landed next to us. "So, this is it, huh?" Aang asked.

"Are you ready for the Fire Nation to know that you are alive?" Sokka asked with a big smile. Aang hesitated for a moment but raised his chin up and nodded. "I'm ready." He replied. He grabbed Sokka's arm and pulled him closer, getting us all into a big group hug.

"I hope you kick some serious Fire Lord butt, Twinkletoes." Toph said. "Listen up everyone," Hakoda said, and we broke up our hug, "the next time we resurface, it'll be on the beaches. So that alert and fight, break time's over. Back in the subs." I let go of Aang's hand and walked back with Sokka and Toph to the hatch where we got back inside. Katara got onto Appa as Aang took his glider to go to the Fire Nation palace.

We submerged again and made our way to the beaches. We got attacked with hooks, but we managed to evade them. If not, Katara would cut them loose. Out of the subs, a kind of metal worm would go out, so that we could safely made our way towards the palace. I got out of the moving things.

"Iz, you get on Appa! There are bombs in the saddle, try to throw them into those watchtowers." Katara said as she got off. I nodded and climbed onto Appa. "I'll take care of it. Yip yip." I said and we got up, high enough so the soldiers wouldn't be able to shoot us down. I looked around and noticed it was exactly how I left it. Nothing had changed. I wanted to do so many things right now. I wanted to go to my old house and see if it was still there. I wanted to go to Zuko, confront him and yell at him.

And I wanted to go the prison, to see if Iroh was there and get him out. He'd know what to do. He would pour a good cup of Jasmin tea, wrap his arm around my shoulder and comfort me, instead of calling me fat and trying to get me onto a throne in a most hideous gown.

But, duty calls. I flew passed the watchtowers, throwing the bombs inside and blowing them up. Katara yelled at me and I got down to her. Katara, Sokka and Hakoda walked on as we flew to the last watchtowers. "You two take that one, Iz and I will take the other." Hakoda said. The two of us ran to the watchtower. "I'll go via the roof, you take the door." He said to me.

I went through the door, trying to distract the guard in the watchtower, but surprisingly, there were two and before Hakoda knocked out the second one, the second one fired the weapon, almost fully hitting Hakoda. I managed to disarm my guy and knock him out. I walked over to Hakoda and escorted him outside, Katara and Sokka already running up to us.

We flew back to the subs and laid Hakoda down, Katara immediately trying to heal him.
"How does that feel, dad?" Katara asked. "A little better." Hakoda grunted in reply. "I need to get back to the troops," Hakoda panted when he tried to get up. "You're too badly hurt, you can't find anymore." I said, looking at his wound.

"Everyone's counting on me to lead this mission." Hakoda replied. "Can't you heal him faster?" Sokka asked Katara. "I'm doing everything I can." I replied. "What are you guys talking about? We have a leader right here." I said, looking at Sokka.
"You're right," Sokka said and he stood up, "I'll lead the invasion force."
"Don't be crazy, Sokka." Katara said, shaking her head. "Maybe I am a little crazy, but the eclipse is about to start and we need to be up that volcano when it does."
"You can do this," Hakoda said, "I'm proud of you son."
"I still think you're crazy, but I'm proud of you too." Katara said.

Sokka grabbed my hand and helped me up on Appa. "Yip yip." He said, and together we rose up back into and landed in front of out forces.

"Listen everyone!" Sokka yelled, "I want the tanks in wedge formation. Warriors and benders in the middle. We're taking that tower and heading for the royal palace. "CHARGE!!!" Sokka yelled and we all marched towards the palace, fighting our way to there. They broke through the tower and the soldiers started to fall back.

"Sokka, Istari, we are on our way to victory!" Bato yelled. And yes, it seemed like we did.
Although the closer I got to the palace, the further I seemed to get away from myself.

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