Chapter 24: Cease Your Chance.

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Suddenly, Ly'ra's eyes showed her surprise and she stuttered:

"W-wait... What? You mean, now?"

Leïa nodded.

"We will never have a better moment."

The young woman turned her eyes on the pilot as well as he let out a small laugh, nodding softly.

"Oh well, let's go!"

And, after only few minutes, all the Resistants were gathered around the couple and Leïa stepped in front of them, suddenly very solemn.

"Very well. I know we do not have a lot of time in front of us but..."

She then stopped when Rose barged in between her and the couple, red looking, a black flower in her hand.

"Sorry... Erm, just..."

She stepped closer to Ly'ra and softly fixed the flower in her hair.

"There... Sorry it's just... It's a Lorchard. I thought it fitted you well."

The pilot took her friend in her arms and thanked her discreetly. The young technician quickly joined her boyfriend among the Resistants with a small smile.

"May I?"

"Oh... Erm, yes! Sorry..."

The group shared a soft laugh and Leïa turned back onto her discourse.

"Very well, where were we? Oh right, we have a wedding to celebrate! So..."

The General fixed her eyes onto the couple for a while, probably thinking about her words.

"Sometimes, we have this chance when life offers us a very special person and, in that case, it is only up to us to cease this chance. And we have to cease it because we never know how many times this chance will stay by our side, or even if it will stay. It is unfortunately even more true during these dark times we are living in today."

Poe and Ly'ra shared a glance, and a soft smile as the pilot was gently squeezing the young woman's hand as he was listening to his superior's words. As she was looking up at her fiancé, Ly'ra noticed a blue figure, leaned against a tree, further in the forest. Dante was here, observing with a soft smile his daughter as she was getting married. She nodded softly before turning her green eyes back onto Leïa, who was continuing her discourse.

"I saw these two persons growing up. And even I would have never imagined them being right here today, united in their love and in their fight, I am still very moved and happy because I think of them both as my own children."

Poe looked away a moment, trying his best to hide a small tear that threatened to fall. Ly'ra noticed it and softly squeezed his hand.

"Poe, Ly'ra... The Force offered you this chance. Do you agree to cease it and spend the rest of your life with one another?"

The young woman glanced quickly at her fiancé before nodding with a huge smile.

"I do."

The pilot seemed a bit more moved by Leïa's words and it took him few more seconds to answer.

"I do."

"You almost scared me Commander!"

The Resistants let out an amused laugh and Poe blushed softly.

"So in that case, allow me to declare you husband and wife. I wish you happiness."

Once again, the Resistants let explode their joy as Poe turned to his wife and kissed her. As for Ly'ra, she had never felt so happy. Of course the first ceremony she had planned when she was engaged to Armitage Hux didn't quite look like this one. But today, she realised that she didn't need all these flourishes and a guests list too long to be remembered. Her wedding with Poe was obviously not conventional, but it was true and perfect just the way it was. The couple then turned towards Leïa and kissed her before taking her in their arms a moment. Then they faced each other again and the young woman took her husband's face in her hands, smiling.

"I love you."

Suddenly realising it was the first time she was saying these words, Poe took her in his arms and kissed her.

"I love you too."

Unfortunately, time would not stop for them any longer and they had to face the reality of war once again. A very important mission was waiting for them and within the next minutes, Poe, Ly'ra, Rey, Finn, Chewie, BB8 and 3PO were already aboard the Falcon, heading to Pasaana.

"We'll need at least two hours of flight, even in Lightspeed. Pasaana is right at the opposite point of the Galaxy!"

Settled in the Captain's cabin, Ly'ra was fixing her leather jacket when she heard Finn's voice in the corridor. She looked up right when Poe joined her, leaning against the door frame. He watched her a moment before stepping loser and seating next to his wife.

"Are you alright?"

A small smile passed on the young woman's face as she kept her green eyes on her sewing work.

"Why wouldn't I fell right? I just married an amazing man and war will be soon over. In a way or another..."

The pilot let out a small chuckle as he softly took the black and red jacket from Ly'ra's hands, before softly raising her chin.

"But first, we'll probably be in a lot of troubles..."

"My Love, troubles will find us whatever we do! So I decided that we don't have a true reason to worry."

The young woman's smile slightly changed and she slid closer to Dameron when, at the same time, BB8 quickly left the cabin as he heard 3PO calling out for him, looking especially angry.

"Come back here, little rolling screwdriver! You will pay for this!"

The couple had fun seeing the protocol droid trying to run after BB8 across the ship.

"What do you think he did this time?"

But the scene suddenly stopped as the cabin's door slid all by itself, only helped by a soft red light. Poe then turned his eyes onto the young woman, who offered an innocent smile.

"Do you really care about it?"

The pilot softly smiled back before sliding closer and kissing her. With a small move from her wrist, Ly'ra locked the door, protecting them from the rest of the world for a moment, before the war and the tragedies came back to take control of their lives.

Star Wars: A Resistance Story.  Book 3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن