Chapter 14~

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After spending some more time in the café, Hyunjin suggested they could play some video games at his house.

Felix internally panicked as ever so often but agreed obviously. He wanted to spend as much time with his crush as possible.

They walked the way, as it wasn't very far. When they got to the house, Hyunjin pushed the doorbell. "I forgot to take my keys", he mumbled.

The door opened and they were greeted with the sight of a beautiful dark haired, middle aged woman. Of course she had to be stunning, she made Hyunjin after all.

"Oh you brought someone home!" She exclaimed excitely, clapping her hands a little. Hyunjin grabbed Felix' hand and pulled him through the door. Once inside, Felix bowed to the lady. "Hello ma'am. My name is Lee Felix. I am very pleased to meet you," he said and smiled.

Hyunjin's mother was delighted. "Are you just friends~?" She asked curiously. Her tone was sweet, kinda off.

Hyunjin gave her a death glare and again pulled Felix by his hand leading him upstairs.

Why did Hyunjin's mother ask a question like that?

Felix had a little hope in his heart that maybe Hyunjin did like boys.

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