Chapter 9~

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Felix panicked. His heart was beating fast as if it was just about to jump out of his chest.

He was confronted by Hwang Hyunjin himself, what should he say?

Should he admit that he had been stalking for months now? No. No way. Felix could never admit to that.

Felix swallowed and caught his train of thought.
He put his hands flat out in front of him to calm Hyunjin down.

"Y-you're misunderstanding this.." he stuttered.

Hyunjin frowned his eyebrows. "Care to explain then?" He growled angrily, crossing his arms and taking a step towards the frightened boy.

Felix was very intimidated as he had never seen Hyunjin this way.

"I was down in Hapjeong-dong a-and i saw a man f-follow y-you. He looked suspicious so i went after to make sure youre f-fine." Felix looked down. "He stopped following you after he noticed I'm w-watching."

The blonde boy raised an eyebrow "Why did you run away from me then?"

It didn't take Felix a second to come up with another lie. "I didn't want to unsettle you..", he mumbled, his gaze kept down.

Hyunjin sighed in relief. The boy looked too innocent with his freckled face so he didn't expect him to be lying. Besides, the story made sense.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you." Hyunjin smiled softly while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Thank you for protecting me I guess!", Hyunjin came closer to Felix, pulling him into a hug.
Felix stopped functioning completely, he couldn't move an inch. He started shaking.

Hyunjin pulled back with a surprised look. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have just hugged you, you must be scared. I'm Hyunjin. What's your name?", he said with a calming voice and a smile brighter than all of the street lights around them.

Felix was feeling close to losing his mind right at this instance. But he had to keep cool. How ironic that Hyunjin would introduce himself to a boy who knew everything about him.

He took a deep breath. "My name is Felix."
Hyunjin smiled. He smiled at him. If Felix didnt see it with his own eyes he wouldn't believe it.

"I think I have seen you before." Hyunjin said and thought for a second.
A cold shiver ran down Felix' spine.

"I think we go to the same school!" Hyunjin exclaimed.
Felix gasped in relief. He quickly nodded and muttered "That's possible.."

"Let's go?" Hyunjin smiled and Felix nodded shyly. They started walking towards Hyunjin's home.

When they arrived outside of the house where the popular blonde boy lived, he pulled out his phone and checked the time while Felix was just staring down at the ground. "It's late already, do you want to come inside? I want to make it up to you." Hyunjin proposed.

Felix couldn't believe his ears. THE Hwang Hyunjin invited HIM, the schools invisibile outsider, into his home?

Felix smiled. "Th-thank you for the offer. But I'm not..not feeling so well right now. I will head home."

He felt dizzy, this whole situation was incredibly overwhelming to him. Hyunjin smiled softly, "sure, but please put your number in my phone.", Hyunjin said as he pressed his phone into Felix' hand.

The boy was shaking heavily as he held Hyunjin's phone. He had always wanted to get a hold of this object, thinking how many information it holds about the handsome boy owning it.

He quickly typed his number into it and gave it back to Hyunjin. The tall boy came closer to Felix again to give him another hug to say goodbye. This time Felix didnt hesitate and hugged back tightly, all while making sure to discretly sniff Hyunjin's hair and take in all his scent.

He hadn't showered after dance class and his musky scent was better than Felix could ever have imagined.

Hyunjin wanted to exit the hug, being held back by Felix for a moment but he didn't think too much of it.

He smiled and turned around to go inside his house, at the door looking back again and waving Felix goodbye.

Felix also raised his hand to wave back, smiling brightly, his eyes turning into adorable crescents.

It was maybe the brightest smile he had ever had on his face.

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