Chapter 10~

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Felix didn't even remember how he got home. Everything felt so unreal, as if he was walking on clouds.

He decided to take a cold shower to calm himself down. Hyunjin didnt leave his head for a second.

Did that really happen? Not only he had talked with Hyunjin, but hugged him and given him his phone number?

Felix thoughts were racing endlessly. His stomach was feeling full of butterflies. He couldn't stop thinking about how soft Hyunjin looked, smiling at him in the half dark alleyway and apologizing to him. To Felix. It should be him to apologize to Hyunjin.

He lied shamelessy and made himself seem like some kind of hero who protected Hyunjin.
Felix knew it was wrong. But he couldn't stop smiling to himself as it had gotten him closer to Hyunjin than he could ever have wished.

That night Felix fell asleep with a smile on his face, Hyunjin's scent still faintly lingering in his nose.

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