Chapter 25 - "The mysterious letter..."

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Navya: "Cabir...Cabir....I want...I want to say something to you. I am...I am...pregnant...and Ajja...Ajja doesn't want this child. He...He has threatened me to leave this city at once. I ...I wanted to tell you last night but...but I was scared...I am scared of Ajja, Cabir. But trust me...this is your baby. You know...that I love you. I only love you. Ajja told...He told (Sobbing)...he doesn't trust me. He even doesn't believe that this is his great grandchild. He told me (Sobbing) that even you won't believe me...Cabir, is this true? You won't trust me? You won't accept this child....tell me Cabir..."

Navya sounds restless. Oh God...that means Navya again has forgotten that her baby is no more. Mukti anticipated that she might respond as the past two years have never come in her life. She has met Cabir as she used to meet him in their past life. God...what is happening. I again concentrate my senses on the conversation.

Cabir: "Madhu, you are pregnant! I am going to be a father! I am...I am so happy! Of course, I trust you. I know that this is my baby. Murthy family's flesh and blood. Don't worry, I will make Ajja understand. He will have to give his consent to our relationship. But one thing Madhu...why didn't you tell me this earlier? Didn't you trust me? You didn't even pick my calls up after that day...Why Madhu? Why did you put Ajja's fear over my love? Do you have any idea how madly I kept on trying to reach talk to you? But...but you just vanished...vanished like you never existed in my life. After that, I got your letter, which said that you are leaving me. I still can't understand why did you write that letter? Tell me Madhu, why?"

Ohh God...Cabir did the same mistake which I forbade him to do. I know any kind of interrogation or pressure on Navya will make her agitated and stop her to share anything further. Till now, he was going on the right track. But he shouldn't have raised this letter topic so soon. I can visualise Navya's face and her reaction. Should I go inside and take the charge or I should wait? I again face the conundrum. Just then Navya's voice moors me to the ground.

Navya: "Which letter, Cabir? I haven't written any letter to you. know Ajja got my diary with him. He said that you don't love me (Sobbing) and when I showed him my diary where you yourself wrote a poem about me and our love; he snatched it. Cabir, tell Ajja to give it back to me. I have nothing else, Cabir (Hiccups). I only had that as your love. I waited for you so long (Hiccups). My baby...even my baby....CABIR (Suddenly yells) My baby...why can't I feel him inside baby...he killed him, Cabir...Ahhhh...."

Navya's agonal scream alerts me. Without thinking anything I storm towards the main door. I almost bang to the ajar door and barge into the living room. The sight in front of me is enough to numb my limbs. Cabir is holding Navya's senseless body in his arms and patting her cheeks occasionally to make her gain her sense. His expression is bewildered, worried and somehow happy at a time. However, I don't have time to evaluate his emotions right now. I almost snatch Navya from his embrace and rush to the sofa to make her lie down. I have to call Mukti...God...what have I done! I shouldn't have got him here. I pierce Cabir with my murderous eyes. I won't spare him if my sister suffers.

"Manik, she didn't write that letter. She still loves me, Manik. We have to find out who wrote that. Manik...are you listing?"

Cabir constantly blabbers. My jaws get hard. That was all I knew. My sister can't be deceit. I sprinkle some water on Navya's face and say in a stone voice,

"You still have a doubt who can write it? It's your grandfather, Cabir. He had my sister's diary and I don't think it was too hard for him to copy her handwriting. My sister proved her innocence, Cabir. Now it's your turn to prove your grandfather's innocence.


I push the closed door with shaky hands. After Ajja's death, this room mostly remains closed. The servants only open it once a month for dusting and cleaning. This is Bhai's strict instruction. He knows how attached I was to Ajja and he thinks that if I continuously come in touch with his memory, it will be difficult for me to forget him. He doesn't know we can't forcefully forget our memories. They always go along with us. With a deep sigh, I step inside. Though it is afternoon the room is quite dark as all the windows are closed. I grope for the switch and find it. 'Click"..the room gets illuminated with blue neon light. The room is simply arranged. There are only a single bed and a set of desk and chair are there. Who will believe that it can be the room of the CEO and the founder of Murthy Creations? My Ajja was so simple in his living. His mantra was, "Simple living and high thinking." Perhaps his mindset made him so great. I amble towards the bed and sit on it. This room reminds me of so many things. Ajja's late night works, my intrusion, his admonishing words, my nagging for bedtime stories and at the end of the day his consent. My lips curve. His desk still has some books. Ajja used to love reading books. He used to say, "Books are the best friend of a person. They always show us the right path." I inherit this quality from him. Suddenly I remember why I have come here. I came here to search for a clue that can prove Ajja's innocence. I immediately spring up from the bed and pace to the desk. I pull the desk drawer and thankfully it is not locked. There are some loose papers. I take out them and start scrutinizing them. Most of them are Murthy Creations' official papers. Nothing special in them. Still, I search them minutely. After that, I tug the left drawer and it opens easily. It has a box of pens, a file with old contract papers and a diary of Ajja's regular expenses.

" are so typical."

I mumble in agitation. I pull out the books one by one and examine every page. Nothing is there. Only some red colour underline marks on some pages. Ajja used to mark important lines like this. As I slam the last book on the desk a piece of paper flows out from the book cover and lands on the floor. I bend to pick it up. There are 6-7 words written on it. All the words are the same and that is... 'Madhubala'. I stagger for a moment.

"Why did Ajja write this name? This is Navya's name...Bhai used to call her after this. But why did Ajja write it and that is for multiple times? Was he thinking about her?"

My mind tries to conclude.

"Or he was practising handwriting."

My inner Goddess retorts.

"Or he was trying to copy the handwriting!"

I murmur and my hands start shaking.

"Does that mean the was fake!"

My mind again nudges me. With paralysed limbs, I slouch in the chair. 

Author's note: After a long time I updated this story. The reason is my health. Sorry for that. Secondly, I wanted to be fully sure about what I want to write. This is a very crucial part of the story and I didn't want to make it a trash. This time was needed for me. Hope you all understand. Thank you for waiting. I hope you will like this part as well. Keep loving my books. Love to all.❤❤

Love or Game (Complete✅)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora