18- Explanation

344 10 18

Hey. Mentions of abuse in this chapter.


Francesca's POV

For the next few days, I stay inside as much as I can. I keep trying to tell myself that I'm safe here, but I can't help but be a little bit terrified every time I leave my house.

Robin's been working on my silo, but I left her alone most of the time. I think she might've noticed something was wrong, but even then, she didn't press the subject. Leah came to visit me once to ask me if I wanted to go to the saloon with her and Elliott, but I declined. I told her I wasn't feeling well. 

I hate that he still has power over me, after all this time, but I can't help it. At least in my own home I don't have to look over my shoulder constantly.

I'm sure this feeling of fear will end soon. I'm sure of it. But until then...


Sebastian's POV

I was hoping, secretly, that Francesca would visit me again. But, it's been a few days, and she hasn't. 

It's weird again, though. My mom told me that while she came out to talk to her eventually, that she hardly left her home. I told her maybe she's redecorating or painting or something. She didn't think so. 

And so, yet again, Sam and I have been tasked with checking in on her.

It's around three o'clock in the afternoon, so she's definitely awake by now. It's hot outside, so I wear a teeshirt and sweatpants. Bleh.

My mom told me she'd make me sashimi if I went to Francesca. She didn't have to bribe me; I would've gone anyway. But still. 

So, now, I'm walking through town to get Sam.

He's skateboarding outside.

"Hey, Sam," I call. He looks up at me briefly before grinning and looking back down. 

"Hey Seb, watch this-" He instructs, then does some weird tricky flip on his skateboard. 

I raise my eyebrows. "Nice."

"You wanna try?" 

I laugh. "No, actually, that's okay. I've got another task for us today."

He steps off the skateboard and picks it up. He looks at me. 

"Oh? Are you buying me alcohol?" He asks. I roll my eyes. 

"No, dude. Just get older. We have to go check on Francesca."

He scratches the back of his neck looking confused. "Huh? What for? Why check on her, can't we just hang out with her, or something?"

I sigh. "My mom's worried about her again," I tell him.

Sam eyes me curiously. "You sure you just don't wanna go see her?"

I roll my eyes again. "Come on. Let's go."

He grins cheekily. "You didn't say no, though."


Once we arrive at the farm, we immediately notice how much it's expanded. There's a lot more animals and crops. It looks good. She's done a good job here.

"Kitty!" Sam exclaims, running forward towards a little grey cat. Its tail puffs up, but accepts it when he wraps his arms around it and scoops it up against his chest.

I laugh at him to relieve tension as I cautiously looking around the farm. Last time I was here, I was with Maru, and the entire farm was vacant. There was no way we could've known, then, that she was slowly bleeding out in the mines. 

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