15- Apologies

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I woke up the same way today as I did yesterday; to the crash of thunder. I dressed myself in something more rain resilient. The television told me I would have bad luck, and the mail told me tomorrow would be the flower dance. Clint was outside my house when I finally went outside.

He looked embarrassed when I found him. He was just standing at the door, not doing anything at all. He's... awkward, but kind, I've gathered.

He told me that since I got some copper, it would be best if I'd be able to make a furnace to get bars. With five bars, he said, he would upgrade my tools. That sounded pretty good to me. 

I introduced Clint to my chickens and Dust. He was surprisingly good with all of my little animals. He's a bit of a gruff man, and to see him petting a little cat and some chickens was surprising and heart warming. He's nice.

I spent the rest of my morning with Mr. and Mrs. Mullner. Evelyn found me in the rain, walking through town, and insisted that I come in for coffee and eggs. George wasn't too excited about me being there, but once we started talking about my farm, he seemed to lighten up. He apparently really respects my work, even if he doesn't know me well enough to like me for who I am just yet.

Alex appeared from his bedroom, and upon seeing me, frantically ran his hands through his bedhead. We ate breakfast together; eggs, toast, jam, and coffee. I stood up to leave, thanking Evelyn almost a million times, but she once again insisted I stay while she makes me some cookies to take home.

So now, I sit on Alex's floor, waiting for him to get back from the bathroom, as the rich scent of chocolate chip cookies fills the air. 

From afar, I hear a flush and a door creak open. The rain on the roof of the house almost lulls me to sleep, my stomach full and warm. 

Alex comes in, smiling at me shyly, then shuts the door and sits down across from me. 

"So," he says. 

"So," I repeat.

Seeing him like this is funny- I completely caught him off guard. He doesn't seem prepared at all, as his usual demeanor is much more... confident. He's both tired and shocked, wearing pajamas. I like this Alex. Not that I don't like the usual Alex, but yeah. 

"Wanna see me lift?" He asks, almost smirking. It's so funny to me that I laugh out loud. His eyes widen, but then he gains his usual composure. 

"I mean- do you want me to watch you lift?" I ask, still chuckling. His face turns a little red.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to, I just figured I'd offer," He says, looking suddenly embarrassed. I feel bad. Maybe Haley asks to see him lift weights and he was expecting to woo me with his arm strength. I never meant to embarrass him.

"So, are you and Haley dating?" I ask, changing the subject. Now he laughs, recovering from his embarrassment.

"No, we're just good friends. I've been friends with her for a long time. I feel like she gets me, you know?" He explains, a soft smile on his face. I smile at him, too.

"Yeah." I stay silent for a moment.

"Why doesn't she like me?" I ask, giggling a bit. He laughs, and I can tell it's a genuine laugh, since I'm talking about something he's interested in.

"She doesn't not like you," he says. "It's just- well, I've got a theory she's feels threatened by you."

I raise my eyebrows. "Threatened? By me?"

He nods. "Just my theory."

We're quiet for a minute longer. The rain hits the side of his house harshly.

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