11- Harvey

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I wake up before my eyes are open. I keep them closed. It is too tiring to open them.

I don't know where I am.

I think I'm laying, but I couldn't be sure. Whatever's below me is cold and stiff. The air smells like... sanitizer.

And there's beeping. And something in my arm.

Oh. I'm in the clinic.

Carefully, I peel my eyes open. The bright light is immediately too much. I groan and shut them again.

"Francesca?" A voice says from my left. I open my eyes again, and despite the bright light, keep them open. Looking to my left, I see Harvey. He stares at me with wide eyes.

"Oh! You're awake! I didn't think you'd be up so soon!" He says, then stands up from the chair he was planted in. He looks quite official. He's got his doctors jacket and his little mustache. Good for him.

Harvey immediately goes to a little box that he had laid on the table next to his chair. He pulls out something, then comes over to me. He starts taking my temperature and blood pressure and whatever else a doctor does. I don't pay much attention, and look around instead.

There's an IV in my arm. I lay in a bed and there's dividers around me to keep my privacy. Wires and tubes surround me, but to my knowledge, the only one that is in me is the IV. I follow up the tube with my eyes; it goes to a bag of fluids. Oh. There's another tube in my other arm. I think it's giving me painkillers.

"How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" Harvey asks, feeling my forehead with the back of his hand. His hand is cool on my skin. I shake my head to say no, but as I do, a sharp pain comes from the back of my head. I hiss.

"I wasn't until I just moved my head," I explain. "What happened? Why am I here? Did I get hurt?" I hear the beeping speed up, meaning that my heart race is increasing. He sets a hand on my shoulder and sits back down in his chair next to my bed.

"You were in the mines. You got hurt pretty bad; Sam and Sebastian dropped you off here last night. I had to do an emergency surgery to clear out an infection. You've got plenty of bruises, several scrapes, but they'll heal soon. My biggest concern is the injury on the back of your neck and the slice on your cheek. I had to put in stitches into both of them. But, they'll heal fine, and likely the scars won't be too bad. Don't worry about your amnesia; your memory will come back with time," Harvey explains.

Sam and Sebastian brought me here?

Carefully, I lift a sore arm up to touch the wound on my face. Lightly, I feel bumps under a bandage on my left cheek, below the corner of my eye closest to my hair. I move my hand slowly to the back of my neck-- the stitches go from the base of my neck over to the back of my ear. I wince.


Harvey chuckles a little bit. "Yeah, try not to touch it."

After sitting in silence for a moment, he chuckles again. "You gave me quite a scare," He starts. "You know, when I said I didn't have enough patients, I didn't mean for you to go out and get yourself hurt."

I laugh a little, carefully, as my ribs feel sore. "My bad."

He laughs a moment longer, and then stops. "Be more careful next time, okay?" He says, sounding much more serious.

I smile. "I will," I tell him. He leans forward, then grips my chin with his fingers, forcing me to look at him. My breath stops.

"Seriously, Francesca. You could have died. You can't be that reckless again," He whispers. My cheeks start to burn. I swallow and nod, feeling something weird in my stomach. Oh dear.

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