Chapter 12. Group Hang Out

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Boscha's POV

My group of friends and I were still celebrating on the field and congratulating the team for winning. I stuck with Willow while we were talking to our friends.

"How are you feeling Boscha?" Amity asked.

"I feel like I could do anything at this point. I'm very happy that we won. Though I might need to get myself checked out because my body aches from the tackle that I took. The cuts on my face stings a bit but I'll be fine," I answered.

"I'll take you to the healer's room and don't even think about saying no to my generosity," Willow strictly said.

"Whatever you say, Ms. Park."

I was then distracted when I felt someone tap me on the back of my shoulder. I turned around and noticed that Willow felt the presence of someone behind me. The captain of the Glandus High Grudgby team was standing in front of me with the rest of her team.

"Nice work out there three eyes. You made a fool out of me. I hope it was worth the laughter you got from me. Honestly we could've won if it wasn't for you and your stupid little trick. But whatever, I'm just here to congratulate you and your team for the win. I hope next year I get to see you and your lousy team lose," the team walked away from me.

"I look forward to seeing you as well, but not the losing part," I said.

The witch stopped and turned to smirk at me. The gang and I watched them leave as we stood there.

"She's definitely going to be there to kick our butts," Skara indicated.

"I can't wait to see her try," I stated.

"Well the only thing that I can't wait for is to go home and take a nap. The match wore me out," Skara said.

"Oh before we all leave, are you guys free after school tomorrow?" Willow announced.

The entire group responded with a yes.

"Would you guys like to hang out then? I heard the carnival is open tomorrow and I'd like to invite you guys."

"Really?! I'm going then," Skara wanted to go.

"There's no way I'll miss this," Gus said.

"I'm going and so will Amelia," Cat grabbed Amelia as she agreed with Cat.

"I'll ask Eda if she would like to come. I know she'll want to set up her stand and sell stuff from my world," Luz uttered.

"I'll be able to come too," Amity remarked.

"What about you Boscha?" Skara questioned me.

"You can count me in," I pointed my thumb towards me.

"Now that it's settled, we'll meet up at four near the entrance of Bonesborough Carnival," Willow spoke.

"Sounds like a plan," everybody approved.

"Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow at school. I'm going to take Boscha right now to the healer's room."

"Okay! Have fun and don't cause so much trouble Boscha," Skara blurted out.

I rolled my eyes and replied, "I'm not a troublemaker Skara."

Willow grabbed my hand and dragged me to the healers. It reminded me when I grabbed her hand and ran with her to the beach.

"Where specifically does your body ache at?" Willow worriedly wondered.

"Only my stomach area. It might be sore from the tackle I took but it doesn't need to be checked. It's not like I'll die or anything," I explained.

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