Records Of the Agito - Chikage's Choice

Start from the beginning

Wakaba: I See......... 

*Phone Ringing* *Phone Ringing* 

Wakaba: Wha-?! An Enemy attack?! At a time like this?! 

The three of them were immediately transported to the Jukai without any warning or premonition. 

Shouichi: U-Urk!!!! (Shouichi immediately fell down as he felt his body weakening and his hand wrinkling)

Wakaba: Shouichi?! What's wrong?! 

Shouichi's hand then slowly to wrinkle as he began to breath harder. 

Shouichi: Damn it! Let's go! 

Wakaba: Yes!


Shouichi: They really don't let up, huh. Henshin!!!! (Shouichi said as he transformed into Gills) 

Chikage: Ashi.... kawa-san? (Chikage said as she slowly woke up from her sleep) Where..... are we?

Wakaba: Chikage?! Are you alright?! 

Chikage: Nogi-san too....... What's happening? Why am I asleep? Why are we suddenly in Jukai?

Wakaba: Chikage, don't you remember what you were doing before you were asleep?

 Chikage: I was....... Ah?! (Chikage said as she remembered what she was doing before she passed asleep) Ashikawa-san..... I....... me......

Shouichi: We'll talk later. Right now, we need to deal with them first. Can you fight?

Chikage: Y-yes........ (Chikage said as she took out her phone and pressed the transformation button) Huh?! 

Wakaba: What's wrong?! 

Chikage: I can't....... transform?! Why?! Just why?! (Chikage said as she tapped the transformation button multiple time) 

As Chikage continued to wonder why she can't transform, a Vertex was close enough and was about kill her. Before that could happen, Shouichi jumped in and stabbed the stardust Vertex using his Gill's Claw. 

Shouichi: The Taisha most likely cut your connection to Shinju. Most likely because of our rampage during this afternoon. 

Chikage: Ashikawa-san.......

Shouichi: We'll take them out as soon as possible! 

A group of stardust vertex then began to slowly surround them while another group head towards Shinju. 

Shouichi: Damn it! It's trying to surround us to buy some time while the other group head to the Shinju. Wakaba!!!! I'll leave Chikage to you!!!!! (Shouichi said as he heads towards the other group while Wakaba and Chikage stayed back) 

Wakaba: Wait!! Shouichi!!!! Don't leave my side, Chikage!!!

Chikage: Why...... I...... Tried to kill Ashikawa-san........ I hurt you....... 

Wakaba: Isn't that obvious? It's because you're my friend!!!! I'm sure Shouichi also don't want you to die. 

Wakaba's words rang throughout her heart. At this moment she understood the meaning of what Shouichi said before and began to reflect on her own actions.

Both Wakaba and Shouichi battled on, trying to defeat the stardust Vertex as soon as possible before any damage could be done. The Vertex that was trying to swarm Shouichi was being overwhelmed by him, so overwhelmed that the Vertex that was swarming Wakaba immediately abandoned her and head towards Shouichi's location.

Wakaba: TCH! They're heading towards Shouichi. Chikage stay here! I'll go and help Shouichi! (Wakaba said as she heads towards Shouichi's location) 

Chikage: Y-yeah. 

(Shouichi's Location) 

Shouichi: Looks like you're all dead set on killing me. Well, I'm already weaker than usual of course all of you will take the chance. If you want to kill me, COME AND GET ME!!!!!!!! 

Wakaba: Shouichi!!!!!! (Wakaba then cuts in through the numbers of Vertex to reach where the stardust Vertex is surrounding Shouichi) 

Shouichi: Wakaba?! What are you doing here?! You should be protecting Chikage!!! 

Wakaba: I....... I cannot let you die!!!! Chikage too....... I'll not let anyone die anymore!!!!! That's why...... At least let me fight by your side. 

Shouichi:*sigh* Geez, does this island has anyone but idiots? 

Wakaba: That word, I'll return it right back at you. 

Shouichi: There're no idiots at Suwa. There are only simple-minded morons who love farming. (Shouichi with a small smile behind his mask) 

Wakaba: That's practically an idiot!!! 

Both Wakaba and Shouichi then continue to fight on in an attempt to defend mankind even though their fighting force were less than half. 

Chikage: Why........? Why are they able to continue to fight......? Even though they've been scorned. Have been hated. Why......?

Shouichi: THIS IS THE FOR THE OSSAN AT SUWA YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!!! (Shouichi said as he pierced the Stadust Vertexes using his tentacles) WAKABA!!!!! BEHIND YOU!!!!! 

Shouichi then ran in protecting Wakaba from being eaten by sacrificing his right hand to be eaten by the Stardust Vertex. 

Shouichi: AAAAAGGGGGGAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! (Shouichi screamed in pain as his right arm was being torn apart by Vertex leaving his only usable arm is his left arm) 


Inner Chikage: I see. So that's how it is. I was so sure that I had lost everything. And all that I could think about was just about how to get it back. But in truth, I didn't lose anything. Everyone around me has already recognized me for who am I. They've already accepted me. Not as a hero. But as Koori Chikage. 

Chikage: That's why........ Please....... Give me........ GIVE MEEEEE POWER ONCE MORE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Suddenly multiple lights began to assemble from the Shinju onto Chikage's phone. Chikage then pressed her phone, allowing her to transform into her Hero form. 

Chikage: HEYAAAAA!!!!!!! (Chikage said as she jumped in and cut through the Vertexes that is swarming both Wakaba and Shouichi) 

Wakaba: Chikage?! Are you...... already fine?

Chikage: Yeah, now...... I know what I should be protecting. That's why...... please lend me your strength one more time....... Nogi-san. Ashikawa-san. 

Shouichi: What in the blue bolts are you talking about? We've been lending our strength ever since we shed our blood on the same battlefield. (Shouichi said as he stood up while holding his severed right hand) 

Wakaba: Yeah, Shouichi's right. Even if our blood is different, we will shed it on the same battlefield and for the same cause.

Chikage: Both of you...... Thank you....... 


With the help of Chikage, the heroes were able to repel the attack and managed to defend Shikoku for the god knows how many times now.

Chikage: *pant* *pant* *pant* We did it....... 

Wakaba: Yeah..... *pant* *pant* We protected them. We all did...... Isn't that right, Shouichi?

Shouichi: ......

Chikage: Ashikawa-san? 

Shouichi then slowly fell down while gushing out blood from his right hand. 

To Be Continued

I hope you guys liked the new chapter of my story

Author Notes (A/N)

I do not own Kamen Rider Agito and Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru because they already have their respective owners

All images belong to respective owners.

I only own OCs and synopsis of the story.

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesWhere stories live. Discover now