Chapter 16. A Wolf's Fury

Start from the beginning

"What a sexy robber you are," one of them said. He was dressed in a vampire costume.

"Look at the body on her," the second said. He was dressed as a stripper cowboy.

"Where's Kane?" Rhonda looked around suspiciously.

"We had an argument. He's at home," Tara said staring at the three guys worriedly. They all had a look of lust in their eyes.

"Figured," Rhonda said. "I had a feeling he wasn't coming with you, so I took the liberty of telling my friends about you. You seemed to like white guys and they definitely have a craving for some blackberry juice."

The third one dressed in a toga walked to her and grabbed her hands. He was practically drooling at the mouth. "My goodness you're beautiful. Rhonda told us you were a looker, but she didn't do you justice. Would you like to dance?"

"No," Tara quickly shook her head and tried to back away. The other guys quickly surrounded her. The toga one wouldn't let go of her hand.

"Oh come on sweetness, just a little dance with us is all we ask," the toga guy started to pull her in his arms.

Tara could smell their scents. They smelled of alcohol and weed. She sighed in annoyance. She would have to be a little rough with them just to show them they were messing with the wrong girl. She grabbed him by the waist to throw him off of her.

Nothing happened.

Blinking in confusion, she tried again, still nothing. She was weak! Where had her strength gone? She looked up at the full moon in confusion and wondered if it was now having the opposite effect on her. Was the full moon draining her energy? Had she become completely human once again?

The guy who was holding her mistaken her intention and thought she was trying to come on to him. He pulled her tightly against him and ran his fingers down her waist to her buttocks which he squeezed tightly. "Oh yeah, baby that's what's I'm talking about. I think we got ourselves a little vixen here!" He told the others.

Tara tried to pull away from him, but she couldn't, she was too weak to even fight him.

Rhonda laughed. "I knew you had it in you! The sweet innocent ones always have that wild side. Well this is the only night you can really let loose so you better enjoy it because I'm going to enjoy watching!"

Tara didn't panic until the toga guy lifted her up in his arms and began to carry her off somewhere. "Idiots! Let me go!" she yelled, but no one paid her any attention. Her heart began to beat in fear. She screamed in fright and pain when they threw her down in a dark alley away from the crowd.

Kane eyes shot opened.

He sat up quickly growling with menace. Tara was gone. This was not a fucking dream! He could feel her heart racing with fear. His own heart began to match her terrified beats. She had deliberately disobeyed him. She had tricked him and now she was in danger. He bounded out of the room naked and furious. He could feel his body beginning to transform into his wolf as he raced out of the house into the night.

Kendrick exploded out of the bed growling angrily. Her pain had slashed through him when they'd thrown her down and he realized this was no dream. Tara had tricked them! He was angry, but tried to calm himself, unlike his brother who was racing towards the men who would likely meet their death tonight if Kendrick didn't stop him in time.

Tara tried to fight the three guys, but she was just too weak. She screamed at them to leave her alone. They only laughed. There were too many of them, grabbing at her, ripping her clothes off and all the time Rhonda stood back laughing and giggling as if she found the entire situation amusing.

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