Chapter 11. The Transition

Start from the beginning

Kendrick gave him a dry grin, "as much as I want to kick yours for what you're about to do to her when she awakens, well, at least we agree on something. I'm going to check on dad. He's got to be going through hell right now and I don't want him to be alone."

Kane nodded and turned back to Tara.


Tara did not wake up calmly. The moment she regained consciousness, she shot up in bed and screamed in pain. Her entire body felt like it was on fire, not only that, but her senses were raised to the maximum. Her nose twitched, strong scents hit her from every direction. Her eyes were blinded by the sun light shining through the window and something loud kept ringing through her ears over and over. It was Kane calling her name, but she couldn't understand him. Her body began to go into a seizure.

Kane held her tightly as he watched helplessly as her body went into convulsions. He was afraid this might happen. Years of having her wolf's blood blocked from her body, for it to come back so suddenly would have an effect on her. Could she take it? Was it too much for her delicate human body? Would it kill her? Pure terror ran through him. No, no he would not lose her! He couldn't lose her, not now, not ever!

"Tara!" He yelled her name, trying to hold her down to keep her from harming herself. "Tara, listen to me! You have to relax. You have to calm down! It's me Kane!" He climbed on top of her straddling her body and grabbing the sides of her face in his hands. "Tara! Calm down! Now!" He demanded forcefully.

Her breathing began to slow, her limbs became limp. He stared into her beautiful brown eyes, his heart beating in fear at the enlarged pupils. "You're okay; I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I have you. You're safe," he spoke the words gently, hoping she could hear him now that she had stopped struggling.

Tara's pupils began to shrink back down to normal. Her eyes focused on his face in recognition. "Kane?" she asked her voice shaking from fear.

"I'm here. I'm here..." He wrapped his arms around her tightly and held her against his chest. "I have never experienced fear until I met you. I don't care for it..."

"What's happening to me? Am I sick?" Tara squeezed her eyes shut against his chest.

"No, my life, you're far from sick," Kane breathe in her ear. "You are perfect."

"My body burns, but the pain is fading," Tara moved to look up at him. She stared deeply in his eyes for a long time as the memory of meeting the strange man at the carnival returned.

"Oh my I a vampire?"

Kane was caught off guard at that question. "What?" he asked.

Laughter began to ring in Tara's head and it wasn't coming from Kane. Kendrick was with her but not in body. The man was always in her head even now, but she welcomed him this time.

"There was a mysterious man who came up to us at the carnival, he was a dark shadow and he touched me and now this!" Tara could actually feel Kendrick's laughter. "It's not funny!" She yelled at him in annoyance and anger.

"I am not laughing, Tara," Kane told her.

"It's Kendrick," she said.

"Tara. You are not a vampire, why would you think that?" Kane asked her.

"You're a's possible vampires exist also. I mean you guys have been at war with each other for a long time, you're enemies. I've watched Twilight, I know all about it."

"Twilight!" Kendrick yelled and roared with laughter in her head giving her a slight headache.

"If you were a vampire, you would have burst into flames by now," he gestured to the sun rays pouring into the open window.

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