We had arrived at the park and Trent had parked up and I turned and looked at Sophia, "Do you want to go feed the ducks?" I asked Sophia as she clapped her hands and I smiled. Both me and Trent took off our seatbelts and got out of the car with me putting my bag on my shoulder and I opened the door and unstrapped sophia from her Carseat and then put her harness on and then put her down on the floor and I grabbed her Olaf bear as she didn't go anywhere without it. I closed closed car door and Trent had got Mimi out of the boot and had locked the boot and so we both made our way away from the car and started walking, making our way into the park.
We were walking when two teenage boys wearing the Liverpool home and away Jerseys came walking over to us and then had their face masks on "Hey Trent can we have a photo?" They asked as Trent looked at me and I smiled and nodded and so one of the boys stood next to Trent and the other boy took a photo. Bless Sophia she was looking at both the boys as they had there photos taken, she was so confused.

The boys had taken there photos and they had said thank you and walked off and so we carried on walking "Sorry about that" Trent said as he grabbed my hand and I looked at him and shook my head "Babe it's fine don't apologise, they looked so happy to have met you" I said as Trent smiled "they looked pretty happy" Trent said as I smiled and nodded.
Before we knew it, we had reached the duck pond and Sophia started clapping her hands and both me and Trent smiled "Who is it Sophia?" I said as she pointed to the ducks and I smiled "Quack, quack" Sophia said as she jumped up and down and I smiled "Yes Sophia, their ducks" Trent said as Sophia kept jumping up and down and Mimi was stood there with her Tongue hanging out because it was warm.

We found a bench and so we sat down, Trent looked at me "Do you want me to get some bread?" He asked as I smiled and went to get my purse out my bag when Trent grabbed my hand "Babe, it's just some bread" he said as I smiled and nodded and he walked off holding Mimi on her lead leaving me and Sophia sat at the bench.
For the time that Trent was away, Sophia hadn't stopped jumping up down. Despite her loving Frozen, she loved animals especially farm ones and so seeing ducks she was so happy bless her. The baby had gone to sleep, since feeling the baby kick this morning, the baby hadn't stopped kicking, not really.
After a few minutes away, Trent and Mimi came walking back with Trent carrying a little bag and I smiled as he approached the table and put put bag down on the bench and I stood up and got the bag of Bread out "Thanks Babe" I said as I gave Trent a kiss and turned to Sophia "Sophia do you want to feed the ducks?" I asked as Sophia stopped bouncing up and down and she grabbed my hand and we walked over to the pond side and I opened up the bag of bread breaking a bit off and bent down and gave the piece of bread to Sophia and she threw it into the pond and one of the ducks started eating it "Well done Big girl" I said as I clapped my hands and Sophia squealed and clapped her hands too. I turned around to see Trent stood there recording us and I smiled and gave Sophia some more bread.

After about 10 minutes of me and Sophia feeding the ducks and Trent coming to help us feed the ducks. we walked to the play area that was in the park and Sophia was sat in one of the swings while Trent pushed her and I sat on a bench stroking Mimi while watching them. Sophia loved feeding the ducks, and I loved spending some quality time with her. I was kind of worried when the time comes and the baby's here how she would be, as she wouldn't be the only child anymore but so far she seemed to love the fact of having a sibling. Growing up, all I ever wanted was a sibling so for Sophia to be having a sibling, I envied her. I couldn't wait to see her bond with the baby.
I waved at Sophia as she smiled and Trent pushed her in the swing "Look at you go baby girl" I said as Trent smiled and Sophia smiled too. The thing with Sophia is that you never really seen her upset, she was always smiling.

After spending a little bit of time in the play area, Sophia had gone on every single thing in that play area. We all made our way back to Trent's car as it was nearly midday and we still had to drop Sophia and Mimi off at Dianne and Michael's house.
We had got back to Trent's car and Trent had put the empty bag of bread in the bin and had unlocked the car and I took Sophia's harness off and picked Sophia up and started strapping her into her carseat while Trent put Mimi into the cage in the boot.
Trent had locked Mimi in her cage and had closed the boot door and I had strapped Sophia in and had also closed the car door. Both me and Trent got into the front of the car with us both putting on our face masks and we both put some hand sanitiser on. After we had both hand sanitised, Trent started up the car and we reversed out of the carpark and made our way to Dianne and Michael's.

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