Impatience brings trouble in relationships

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"Also," the stern tone of the crewmate makes the other girls shift their attention on her. "Make sure to come to us before we leave. I'm going to give you something."

Everyone, the boy and even the crewmates, is shocked to hear Dahyun's request. "You sound very serious, huh?" Chaeyoung reacts before turning back to the young guy and says while pointing at Dahyun, "she doesn't usually talk like that. She's very serious so you should definitely remember what she just said."

"I will," the young guy says before a humble bow.

Later on, they gather the materials needed. They are assigned to one area of the lake, so as a crew, their task is to decorate that specific area according to how they want it to look, considering that the theme is about water.

Tzuyu and Dahyun decorate the nearby trees with the materials the tribe members gave them a while ago. Jeongyeon and Momo are out to talk to the adults and get more information about what they have to do, while Chaeyoung is left with the pair to give them a creative idea of what to do. With the ropes and textiles that are given to them, they are capable of creating a huge and colorful pattern out of it, and then, tie the ropes on both ends. Dahyun holds the other end, while Tzuyu has the other. After Chaeyoung has ensured that the girls can handle themselves, she walks away and finds Jeongyeon and Momo around the area, but she seems lost.

Tzuyu and Dahyun climb their respective ladders, leaning against a tree. Tzuyu, as a tall person, gets to reach the highest part of the tree and immediately ties the rope on it. She climbs back down, only to see Dahyun not even making it half the ladder yet. "Dahyun, what's wrong?" Tzuyu asks, dusting her hands.

Dahyun holds tightly on the ladder and slowly turns her head to Tzuyu although her eyes are tightly shut. "Tzuyu, I'm scared of heights," she said, her voice trembling in fear. The younger girl looks at her work before turning back to the scared crewmates and says, "that's why you're naturally short, Dahyun. You're afraid the ground is lower when you're tall." The tease made Dahyun laugh despite being stuck in a frightening situation. She opens her eyes and tosses an air punch towards Tzuyu's direction - her weight piling on the other side, making the ladder go unsteady. Fortunately, with Tzuyu's quick reflexes, she runs and stabilizes the ladder against the tree.

"Don't move too much, Dahyun."

"Tzuyu... How about you do this one?" Dahyun says, fright engulfing her whole body. Tzuyu snickers and shakes her head, "nope, nope. You have to do that. Face your fears, Dahyun. This is a small act for you to overcome your fear." The words of encouragement have boosted the bravery of Dahyun. Her eyes slowly open as time passes, her legs steadily stand, and her arms stop from shaking. She breathes out and makes a step to ascend even higher on the ladder.

"There you go."

Tzuyu says with a smile. Dahyun suddenly feels hopeful with Tzuyu's kind words. Soon, she reaches the end of the ladder. She secures the rope in her hand and tries to tie the rope on the same level to make it look equal, but Tzuyu tied her rope too high.

Dahyun complains and tells Tzuyu about it. "Uhh... Tzuyu, I think I can't tie it on the same level as yours." Tzuyu scratches her head and plans to adjust hers, but she thinks Dahyun can actually make it. "Try tiptoeing," she suggests. Dahyun gets terrified; tip-toeing on a ladder will be very dangerous. "I think you can make it," Tzuyu says, glancing from her work to Dahyun from time to time.

"I'll try..," Dahyun says. With all her might, she finally tiptoes and ties the rope, her eyes closed as she does it. Tzuyu is worried when she hears Dahyun squealing, so she waits for her patiently before she asks about her. Dahyun stops and heaves a heavy sigh. She quickly hops down the ladder.

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