Chapter 51

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^^^^ Picture of Blood Moon Above^^^^

Marco's POV

"PUSH" Serena said. Sarah was balling her eyes out. I hate to see her like this but I am even more excited to see my little alpha.

"F*CK YOU! Babe. I am never letting you shove pickle in me again." Sarah screamed at me. Oof! That hurt.

"I know babe just 3 more pushes and our baby is out." I comforted her.

"Push!" Serena says.

"B*tch I am pushing." Sarah says angrily.

"One last push Sarah." Dianna said.

"He's out. He's out." Serena said. With the baby in her hands. She wrapped the boy in white cloth. I swear I felt a few tears run down my cheeks. Sarah was done. She was out of breath and I heard snoring. Wow really she fell asleep.

"Sarah wake up." Dianna yells.

"I'm up, I was just taking a small bloody nap." Sarah groans. Once my baby boy is all wrapped up in his towel I hold him carefully in my hands. The baby boy still cries as it is normal for babies to cry when they are born. I booped his nose and cradle him in my arms. He has beautiful blue eyes like me and brown hair slightly lighter than mine. He had cute rosy cheeks much like his mother and his top lip was sucked inside of his mouth almost like he was pouting. The attitude definitely came from his mother.

"Okay now let me hold my baby boy" Sarah gestures to me and I give the baby carefully to her. His crying softened to small little mumbles but was still considered crying. Definitely a mama's boy.

"Awww aren't you a cutie." Sarah coed at him.

"Okay now let me hold my nephew." Dianna says and carefully takes him from Sarah. As Diana was also pregnant her hormones got the best of her and she started tearing up. She cradled him back and forth.

"Okay now let me hold my nephew." Serena said. Even though they weren't family by blood she was already considered his aunt. After all of the ladies got to hold him, all the men, meaning Elijah, Adrien, Alex, Xavier, Mason and Zander got to hold him. Annaya didn't get to come into the nursery area because she was under sixteen and we have a rule that if you are under sixteen you aren't allowed in the infirmary. The baby still hasn't stopped making small muffled noises probably due to the shock of the new world. I cradled my son in my hands and informed a nurse to allow Annaya in as the birthing process was over. After about 5 minutes Annaya was in the room with all of us who already had held the baby. She saw the white ball of cloth in my hands and knew it was my son. She rushed up to me and carefully took him in her hands as if it was a soft cloud that would break any second. All of us were watching her interact with my son. She gently kissed his forehead. I wanted to be the first one to give my son a kiss. The baby immediately stopped its soft cries and opened his blue eyes and giggled at Naya. That ain't fair. This is partiality from my own son.

"I got it on camera." Adrien says while Naya was just busy pretending to baby talk to my son. I took this time to mindlink some of my wolves to bring all the non-fighters, senior citizens and kids who were sent to Elijah's clan to stay protected. We were going to hold my son's alpha initiations and other pack initiations tomorrow. The day I was anxious about but excited as I got to introduce my son to his future pack. I even mind-linked Elijah who mind-linked his clan to inform them that they were to come to the ceremony tomorrow. We were going to have an epic party and brutal war tomorrow all in one day. Hopefully we will have enough to protect all the non-fighters of my pack before the war. I then informed some of my guards to prepare the bunker where everybody would stay protected. The high ranking female wolves would stay in their rooms where their smell would be masked and they would be away from any danger. This would also mean my son as during the war he will stay with his mother. Everything I had planned was going to be placed tomorrow. Hopefully no one dies.

It was the next day. It was the day. Sarah had come home early in the morning after recovering from labor and was currently getting ready for the ceremony with all the other girls and our son. Surprisingly I got good sleep yesterday, I thought my son would be crying but he didn't Annaya had helped me out immensely yesterday. She took care of our son as if he was her own son. My son and Naya I guess have a natural bond, he barely ever cries around her. The whole pack including the Red Moon pack as well as Elijah's vampires were all here. They came at around 8 am in the morning so it was very crowded. Most of the arrivals in Xavier's and my pack had immediately gotten back to work by preparing for the ceremony tonight. We needed food, drinks, decorations and the stage all prepared by 6 o'clock evening. It was currently 5 o'clock in the evening. We were each busy contributing either for the war or the ceremony. It was hectic but it was exciting.

An hour had passed and 2 werewolf packs and a whole vampire clan was in front of me. All waiting for the announcement of our son. I was on the stage and ready to speak.

"Greeting, My pack, Red Moon Pack, and Vampires Today we are here to announce the future alpha of our pack and the initiation of our new beta and gamma." The crowd started cheering wildly. My wife was backstage waiting for the signal to come out with our son.

"I will now burn our luna and our son and the future alpha of this pack." The crowd applauded once again and Sarah walked out with a beautiful pure white and gold dress and our son cradled in her arms.

"I present to you Future Alpha Titus Apollo Knight." Sarah raised our son in the air and the whole crowd bowed in his presence. After around a minute Sarah stepped back as the other initiations were about to begin.

"We will now move on to our current Gamma Alex Martinez's initiation into being our Beta. Do you swear to protect this pack as the beat and serve them rightfully." I ask.

"Yes Alpha" Alex said as he stepped forward.

"Then I pronounce you as Beta of the Knight Crescent Pack." The crowd erupted in cheer.

"I will now present our current lead pack warrior Dean Reed's initiation into being our Gamma. Do you swear to protect this pack as the beat and serve them rightfully." I ask.

"Then I pronounce you as Beta of the Knight Crescent Pack." I announce and the crowd cheers for our new Gamma. After the ceremony was over I had a small chat with my parents. They praised me on how good my decisions were and how they were proud of me. Sarah the whole time was beside me and supporting me with our son in her hands. The whole pack was greeting their future alpha. The ceremony was going great. People were enjoying the food and the drinks. There were so many people and I was enjoying how the vampires were peacefully socializing with the werewolves as long loft friends. It was wonderful but I knew it was too good to be true as I smelt rogue scents and the moon above us changed its pure white to a dangerous blood red. Then. PANIC STARTED TO SPREAD.

Author's Note:

The book is almost coming to an end Shadies. I hope you like the chapter fam. The next chapter is going to be EPIC. Please like, comment, share, read, vote and FOLLOW!


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