Chapter 30

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Annaya's POV:

Clarice was a bright young woman apparently. She was at the young age of 22. She used to work at the pack's school. She would take care of the kids and teach them school subjects like writing, reading etc. She was very popular amongst the pups as she was considered as their favorite teacher. The funeral was held that day. Marco, Sarah, Elijah, Adrien, Alex Serena and myself along with Clarice's younger brother Dean were invited. It was a small funeral. It took no more than an hour. There I stood, right now in front of the small grave. I didn't have any personal feelings about Clarice but she did die because of what I did to Vladimir's wolves. I know better than to think this was my fault, I wasn't the one who stabbed her, but my actions did take part partially to her death. I thought it would be good to pray good wishes for her as her death was not meant to be. After I was done showing my respects I headed back to the pack house.

I got a text from Marco to meet him at the meeting room. I immediately rushed there cause having to have a full blow conference with me was very rare. I entered the conference room. There was a long table where people were already seated. There I saw Marco sitting at the head. Along with Sarah, and Alex. Serena was there too. She was holding Alex's hand. Then it hit me. Someone found their mate. I raised an eyebrow at Alex. He just gave me a "I'll tell you later" look. There was also Elder Alpha Kayden and Elder Luna. Elijah and Adrien were also invited.

"Okay gld to see you finally showed up, Naya." He said.

"Yup" I said, popping the 'p'.

"Anyway I have called you all here today firstly because of the Lunar eclipse that will soon be arriving. You have heard that our grandfather from the Red Moon pack was murdered. Not long ago we also had Naya show up injured and possessed by Rowen Ravenswood herself." Marco announces. Gasps filled the air. Jeez, I didn't know Rowen was that famous.

"Not only that but today we found one of our pack members killed with a note from the Blood Ruler. From what we have uncovered this all started when our Great Grandmother from the Red Moon pack was kidnapped. We found out the Blood Ruler had kidnapped her to create more breeds like her. The Red and Knight pack both have been blessed with Turquoise wolves. These wolves are very rare. We predict that the Blood ruler forced her to mate with him to make more pups of our kind. Getting the turquoise gene is already difficult but he probably mated with her countless times which could have created at least a small group of wolves of our kind. He will probably use our own powers against us. We have also found out that Rowan Ravenswood is working with the Blood Ruler himself. She would be granted immortality if she helped him. We have also uncovered that the Blood Ruler's true identity goes by the name of Vladimir. Now we expect Vladimir to have an army of over 100 thousand wolves. To beat them we must call upon our Red moon and Knight Crescent alliance. The Red Moon pack will train with us everyday and we will as a group think of new strategies to beat him. We also wish for the Vampire clan of Elijah King to help in this war." Marco finished his long speech.

"I will be happy to help, we will train with you as well. As of right now I must ask my Second in command to bring some of our best warriors. Hopefully the vampire clan will be here in two days. I will call them immediately." Elijah says. He then stairs at a specific spot almost as if he is dazed. He is probably mind linking is Second in command right now.

"Oh additionally I would like to add that I have chosen a beta." Marco tells them. I get a feeling of deja-vu.

"Oh and hopefully you chose wisely son." Elder alpha Kayden saus with gritted teeth.

"The new beta will be Alex Martinez, the current Gamma. The Gamma position will be taken by Dean, one of my most trusted and strongest warriors. He is eighteen years of age and was the younger brother of now deceased Clarice. Whe our future alpha will be born, in two weeks we will hold a combined ceremony. In this ceremony, our future alpha will be introduced to the pack. Alex Martinez will be announced Beta and Dean Robbin will be announced Gamma. We will also bring our newest member and vampire Serena who is the current Gamma female but will soon be the beta female. I ask that Serena, Elder Luna Evangeline as well as other elders plan the ceremony." Marco clarifies.

"Question Alpha." Adrien asks.

"Go on Adrien King." Marco answers.

"Well if I am correct the Lunar eclipse will be exactly two weeks from today which is the same day we expect the future alpha of the Knight pack. Won't it be dangerous" Adrien asks. Good question.

"Ahh this is where we have planned and strategized. We will use the ceremony almost as a cover that we are actually guarding the whole territory. Vladimir will probably think we didn't know of his attack but in reality we do and we are celebrating on the same day. It will be the perfect surprise." Alex answers for the alpha. Marco continues to smirk with his well thought plan. When did they discuss about this and why wasn't I invited. :(.

"One more factor to address. Tonight the Red Moon pack has called all of us to a gender reveal ceremony. Dianna Red is pregnant with their future alpha. Everybody please be ready by tonight 6:30, we will be leaving to pack in a limosin." Marco says. This brought smiles to everybody's faces.

"The meeting is now adjourned. Goodbye everybody." Marco announces and everybody starts leaving except for Marco, Alex and I. 

Author's Note:

Hello folks! I have added the character description for Elijah, Adrien and Serena. Hope you liked the Chapter. Please Like, Comment, Read, Vote, and Follow. Bye Beans. 😜🙃😁

-SLIMSHADY OUT! 😎😎😎😎✌✌✌✌

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