Chapter 42

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the club and I was enjoying myself. That was before a fight broke out in the middle of the club causing glasses to shatter and punches to be given. Coincidently a glass shard cut me on the arm. The fight stopped a few minutes later after security came but I was still building. I don't know what happened but Elijah came at me like a blood thirsty freak and took me to a corner of a room. I was kind of weirded out but I didn't mind since I was gay and Elijah was hot. His eyes were diluted and he started treating my wound. What was weird was that I saw him lick the remainder of my blood that was on his finger. I thanked him and I was about to leave. I felt tingles on my neck from a pinch Elijah gave me. I guess he had pinched a nerve causing me to faint. He kidnapped me. I stayed with him until I grew accustomed to him, figured out he was a vampire, let him turn me etc." Adrien finished. The story sounded kind of weird but we're talking about vampires and werewolves here and that is already weird.

"Yo Naya we should get ready to land the plane. I think we are in North Carolina. It's been an hour." Marco says. I nod and get up to land the plane. I see Elijah heading the same way. I strap into my seat and see a clearing perfect for the large jet. Elijah takes the speaker and speaks in a robotic voice.

"Okay motherf*ckers, we finna landed this flight so buckle up if you want to stay alive. If you don't wanna live then don't buckle up. Thank you for your CoOpERatIOn."

"Yo Elijah can you say the altitude as we descend so I know when to pull the lever?" I ask him.

"Sure 5000 feet....... 4000 feet. 3500 feet.......2000 feet.....1000 feet. Get ready to pull the lever. 100 feet." He says. As soon as he says 100 feet I pull the lever. I can feel the vehicle roughly go in taxi mode as my ear begging to unleash the pressure they developed form the altitude.

"K lets go." I said as I press the button which allows to open the doors of the large jet. We were currently in the middle of nowhere. As in literally nowhere. We were surrounded by trees, and grass. Cool.

"Okay so anybody nowhere to go cause I don't smell Rosalinda or Lorelai in a radius of 5 kilometers." I say sniffing the air to get any sort of scent. The others start sniffing as they can smell from a wider range but apparently no scent could be smelled.

"Well where would you go if you were a witch and had 2 hostages?" Mason asked almost in a sense that he knew where to look.

"Well this is Mason, I am not a witch with 2 hostages also trying to betray a blood ruler for immortality so I don't know where." Marco put some sense in him.

"Well we could start by covering the forestry area. There are probably some nearby packs who have bound to see something." Zander says. Good point, but it will take too long I think.
"That is a good idea but it will take too long." Xavier says. I nod in agreement for the first time.

"Yo, sorry to barge into the discussion but I have a really important question. What are your guyses sexualities. You see I know Elijah and Adrien are gay. Alex told me at the pack that he was bisexual. Marco, Xavier and I are straight. I know Zander is pansexual. Then what does that make you, Naya?" He asks. We all head palm ourselves.

"Seriously, how is this relevant." Xavier asks. He just shrugs like the dumb id*ot he is.

"Well to answer your question I think I am a lesbian or maybe bisexual. I am not sure." I answer so he would stop cribbing.

"Anyway how about this, I think we should check the abandoned cabin that is 20 minutes from here. It is far away from humans and werewolf society. Perfect spot for a witch." Adrien says. Nice he is smart.

"Good Idea." Marco answers.

"I know a faster way to get there. Marco, Xavier, Mason and Zander you can use your teleportation since your saphir wolves right?" Elijah asks. They nod. Yeah but how will I go? I can't teleport or beat a vampire in running. I am Human. Just to put it out there you know.

"What about me you guys can run super fast. I can run fast but not that fast." I ask.

"True, climb on my back." Elijah pats his back. Is he crazy.

"No thanks, I would rather walk then get death glares from your mans." I say. Elijah rolls his eyes and looks at Adrien who rolls his eyes again and nods at me to get on Eli's back. Well here goes nothing. I climb on his back.

"Are we ready to go?" Marco asks.

"Yes!" We all say simultaneously. Suddenly I see Marco, Xavier, Zander and Mason erupt in blue smoke. Cool. I brace myself as I see everything around me like a blur. The wind flows through my long hair. This is AMAZING. I raise one of my arms up to feel the speed. This is the fastest I have ever gone. Dang I wish I was a vampire. In a matter of minutes we were at the cabin and I saw the 4 sapphire wolves had already been waiting for us nonchalantly. 

Author's Note:

Hello my little Shadies! I hop you like this chapterrrrr. What is y'all nationality????? Anyways, please like, comment, read, follow and vote! Thanx beans.


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