Chapter 31

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Annaya's POV:

"The meeting is now adjourned. Goodbye everybody." Marco announces and everybody starts leaving except for Marco, Alex and I.

"Okay so what's the game plan." Alex asks.

"I mean as in for tonight's party or training strategy." Marco questions.

"The training of course." Alex replies. I take a moment to sit on Marco's rolly chair.

"Yeah so basically we have only two weeks left. So since we have better training facilities than the Red Moon, training will be held here. After the party the whole pack will come to our pack land. They will stay in the giant pack houses we have. The ceremony of the future alpha, and the other beta and gamma ceremonies will take place that night. The lunar eclipse is said to be around 1 am so the timings match perfectly. We have a bunker where non-fighters will hide. Vlad will try to target my mate Sarah so she and Serena will hide in the pack house where Vladimir and Rowan will least expect it." Marco explains to us.

"Yeah but we need to change up our fighting game if we want to beat Vladimir. For all we know he is immortal." Alex says. I just stare and watch the conversation.

"Naya, any advice." Marco says.

"Well I went to the library and did some research on Rowen and Vladimir. Vladimir is essentially immortal but there is a catch. He will die if a human manages to stab him in his heart with a Safire knife embedded with silver. You think you got one of those?" I ask them. Immediately Marco's and Alexs jaws drop.

"Our first ancestor, the first alpha of Knight Crescent passed on a knife for generations. I didn't know what it was so I kept it in a safe vault. I think I might have this knife." Marco says. Well this is fortunate. I see Alex go to the back of the office behind my chair. He opens a cabinet and there I see a metal implanted vault.

"Well holy mother of all goodness on Earth, That is some heavy duty sh*t." I saw awestruck about the massive vault.

"I know I got it built myself from a witch." He clarifies. I just simply nod.

"Alex opened the vault." Marco commands in which easily proceeds to open the vault. The vault was extra protected. First Alex entered a series of numbers. Then he entered voice recognition. He opened the vault and just to see another vault. The vault had a turning gear on the front which I assumed we had to turn. Nope that wasn't the case. Alex turned the grips on the vault. It was like a locker code. The vault opened and I saw another vault. This vault gear had an engravement of somesort. Alex then stood away from the vault. Marco took an attacking stance in front of the vault. I saw his veins electrocute. He was about to shoot lightning. A huge bolt of lightning converged in his large hands. He looked powerful at this moment. His blue eyes are even more eclectic than usual. He shot out lightning right into the engravement on the vault. The vault then opened. Inside was a velvet case, something where you would place precious jewellery in. Marco went to the vault and took the box out delicately. He placed it on his desk and we all stood around it. Marco took a key necklace he was wearing and brought it up to the box. There was a small lock on it. He opened the box. I saw the knife was covered with a cloth. I took a deep breath prepared to see the majestic knife in front of me. Marco took off the cloth. There I saw a beautiful blue knife embedded with silver. It was the color of Marco's eyes. If I wasn't drooling I would be surprised.

"Well this is it." Marco points to the knife.

"Well it sure is." I reply. I hear Marco and Alex laugh which causes me to scowl.

"What are you laughing at browskie?" I ask. They reply with shaking their heads in amusement.

"I sometimes wonder how we are friends with you." Marco says.

"I agree." Alex says.

"Well That's a little offensive." I reply.

"Anyway the vampires left right?" Alex asks Marco. Marco nods.

"They will come back like tomorrow I guess." Marco says.

"Okay so back to the plan. We all know I am the human so I have to kill him." I respond directly. I hear two growls.

"No we won't let you." They both reply together.

"Guys I can handle it." I lie. I know this was going to be difficult. We are talking about a human against an immortal beast. This ain't possible.

"No you can't Naya." Marco tells me clearly. He is right but I know I have to do it. I also have a gyt feeling I might die. The Moon Goddess even said so.

"How do you know?!" I answer cockily.

"Naya, we are talking about you, a human against Vladimir, an immortal. To be honest he may be a little stronger than me as well." Marco states clearly. He says nothing but the truth.

"Guys you know it I am right. I have to do it." I say, they are just denying it.

"You are not going and that is final." He says in his alpha voice but that's got nothing on me.

"We will discuss this later Marco. I know the answer You know the answer, Alex knows the answer, I am the answer." I say. "Meet you at 6:30. I say and leave. They just need time to cool down. It is currently 5:45 and I head to get ready. 

Author's Note:

I have uploaded specific chapters of just the character pictures and stuff. It will give you a better idea of how I imagine the characters. Feel free to change what the characters look like in you imagination! What do you think. Will Naya kill Vladimir or Not. That is the million dollar question. To kill or not to kill that is the real question. 😁🙃😜😏


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