Chapter 7: Daunting Reality

Start from the beginning

"Hey!!! Watch where you're going young man" an old man shouted at me, as I was speeding through the alley

"Real Sorry Sir" I shouted as a reply to the old man

"You're gonna die young if you continue doing this young man!" the man shouted back at me.

Well, I already died once, so it's certainly not a new experience for me, but I better be careful here, I don't want to accidentally hit someone....

"Mom, hang in there....." I said to myself as I started speeding up my motorbike again.

And without even noticing it, I finally arrived at the hospital.

(Hospital's front desk)

"is Mrs. Jaya's son not picking up the phone?" asked one of the nurses.

"I have been trying to call their phone line for more than 10 minutes, but no one is picking up the phone" answered the other nurse in a hushed tone.

"We need to hurry, Mrs. Jaya is becoming more and more unstable, we can't hold her down much longer".

"I'm trying my best here, but no one is picking up the phone..... Can't we just use the shot?"

"We can't do that, without the consent of a family member....." answered the other nurse.

But when the nurse is about to give up, a young man entered through the main door, it would seem the young boy braved through the ongoing rain outside just to arrive at the hospital, as he was drenched in both sweat and rainwater, with every step he made to the counter there's a sound of water dripping from his clothes and hair....

And with a hushed tone, he said....

"*Huft....Huft.... my mother alright?"

The nurse surprised of seeing the scene unraveling in front of her, took some time before finally replying.

"Y..Yes you must be Mrs. Ratna Son? Please follow me to her room." the nurse replied

"How is my mother's condition?".

"She is very unstable, we could barely control her".

"What happened to her?".

"We also don't know, she suddenly had a relapse and her condition started to go from bad to worse, we tried everything at our disposal to calm her down, but it all failed."

"We thought that maybe seeing one of her family members, would make her feel more at ease."

The nurse explained while they were on the way to Mrs. Jaya's room, but as they were nearing Mrs. Jaya's room, suddenly a loud noise could be heard........ It was a noise of something being shattered to pieces.


(in front of Mrs. Jaya hospital room)

As Sakti and the nurse finally arrived they were shocked to see another nurse banging the door of Mrs. Jaya's room.

*BUK* *BUK* *BUK*.......

"Mrs. Jaya .... Please open up the door....."

"What happened....?" asked the nurse that came together with Sakti.

"I couldn't control Mrs. Jaya.... She suddenly pushed me out of the room and locked the room from inside......" answered the nurse waiting in front of the door.

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