Shots fired

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    With the crew watching my back, I stepped onto land and headed towards the sounds of life. Everyone who saw us dock, they stared and watched with caution. Even within my mask on, I felt exposed under their eyes. A older man usher me to follow him and before following I looked back on last time to the ship but they were too far for me to make out.
    " We're here to rest a few days and wait for our pose to recalibrate. We'd appreciate it if you'd let us dock and restock our ship. We won't touch any of your villagers and keep to our selves." I get out as calmly as possible. The man, an older man, watched my every move, possible waiting for me to lash out.
    " You the captain?" he finally asked and I shook my head. " In respect too your island, my Captain chose me, the only woman of the crew, to come negotiate with you." I explain as simply as possible and I can't help but hope he accepts my negotiation but all hope diminishes when he shakes him head. he calls over another man and whisper something before that said man ran out of the house.
    " If I go back with your current answer, Your village will no longer exists this time tomorrow." I warn and he takes the chance to draw his blade.
    " It's a simple solution, you won't be going back to your crew."  Maybe it was the tension or my nerves, but I'd already drawn my gun and had it against his temple, ready to shoot.
    " I was told that if things don't go my way, i should make an example of one or two of you." I recite my instruction from Kid to the old man and still he yells out and attempts to attack me. I realize that he is a strange man. Strange enough that knowing he is to die, he still attacks instead of trying to find a way to survive. There was no way that his blade would reach me before my bullet reached his brain and therefor, he fell to the floor dead.
And so, as his followers, his villagers reached for their weapons and attack me, I aimed a flare into the sky. A bright light, red, it shot high into the sky life a firework and soon, i could hear the roaring voices of my fellow crew mates.
    I watched as these people were slaughtered. Perhaps if their leader was smarter, they wouldn't have died. If they had quietly let us dock, they would live another day. They are all anger. For what reason, I don't know, Instead of fleeing into the trees, or into the mountain, they yell and scream at us, attacking us just as we do them but unlike them, my group, the Kid pirates, they adored filthy, savage smiles, enjoying the hunt, almost as if they were playing a game of who can kill the most or who can making the most brutal kill.  I didn't understand how this village had thought. They were neither strong nor did they have the backing of the navy to be telling Pirates no. Yet, in the name of their god, they faced us with blades and guns. I knew that there was no god, at least not one that would save them from this crew.
    " Lady! Get your ass to my side!" I heard my captains order before I could see him. Around me fire burned and blood pooled at my feet. Chaos what all I could see or hear. There was nothing that made sense and for the first time, I could see why the Kid Pirates were notorious. They were cruel, brutal, inhuman. If I had not known these men before hand, I would have been afraid, my blood would have run cold, I would have been revolted. Heat, Wire, Killer, they killed left and right in their respective styles and then there was the captain, laughing like the Homicidal maniac he looked to be. One look and I was glad that we were on the same side. I made it to his side with my gun drawn.
    " Injury?" He asked glancing over at me for a moment before repelling a round of gunfire shot at us. I shake my head and he grins. " Good. Go get em good then." He kicks my back, probably as lightly as he could and I'm pushed back into the fray with my single revolver and dagger. I then knew that I was expected to become a homicidal maniac as well. That is what it meant to be apart of this crew. I can't just look the part, I'd best act the part as well. And so,

I did.

Thus, I stood above the many dead bodies, waiting for even one of them to come back to life. The Adrenaline still croursing through my veins, I failed to hear Killer approach me and upon him grabbing my shoulder, i had my gun aimed at his chest. He hold up his hands.
    " You ok?" hew asks and I lower my gun. I apologize but he just shrugs. " Kid's done that to me on multiple occasion. Nothing new. Anyways, we're about done looting the village if your ready to head back." He offer me a hand to help me step over the bodies.
    " Turns out, this village was a sort of cult kidnapping females and sacrificing them to their god. Found a dungeon full of woman. Heat burned them all though. There was no saving them. They were all dead inside and out." He casually tells me about what he had found as if it wasn't the most gruesome find I had ever heard of.
    " Makes sense though, why they didn't like men. Girls are easier targets and crews abandon them easier. We suspected as much when one of those men ca,me and told us you wanted quit the crew and live on the island. There's no way you'd abandon your post like that. Or at least that's what I thought." He hums the last part running a dirty rag along his gauntlets, cleaning off any remaining muck and blood. He points towards Kid. " He won't say it but he's proud of ya.. After you left, he was complaining out how you'd be too much of a coward to do anything. But you ended up killing a good number of em and didn't even get a scratch on ya." I look to Kid and he has his arm stretched out, ushering me closer for him to throw his heavy arm around my shoulder. I know what he wants. I walk under his heavy arm just as he drops it onto my shoulder.
" Did good today." He praises me starting to kind of bragging me back towards the ship where the other crew members are restocking the ship with everything they had found. He holds up a a box. " Found you something nice, since you ain't want no treasure. Let me make some tweaks to it and it'll really be something great." There was a gleam in his eyes, like he could't wait to tinker with the said gift. Releasing me from his grip, He hurried into his workshop
" Don't mind him. He'll be locked up in his workshop whenever he find new materials or projects." Wire pats my back roughly as he passes. " He'll come out when he's done." I get another rough pat from Heat as he passes.
" If it's him, he'll make ya something real nice. Never holds back when it comes to his projects." Killer pats my head and starts leading me away and just when I'd thought all was done and through

"Damn it! fuckin hell!" Kid's frustration could already be heard.
"You'll get used to it."

A promise to killTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang