Chapter 17

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

"Ugh" I said when I heard the doorbell.

Shawn and I are going to the movies tonight and I was supposed to be ready 30 minutes ago, but I still wasn't.

"Hey babe, Come in. I just need another 10 minutes." I said while opening the door for my boyfriend. I will never get tired of saying my boyfriend. It still feels so unreal.

"You only have a towel around your body. It will take you more than 10 minutes." Shawn kind of complained.

"No. I'm gonna hurry." I said closing the door and motioning the couch, so he could sit and wait for me.

I really tried to hurry up, but I just couldn't find something to wear. I want to look good, but without trying too hard.

"I guess that's ok." I said checking myself in the mirror. At last, I decided to wear a nice short dress, not too short though, and heels.

"I'm ready." I said smiling entering the living room.

"You look beautiful." he said getting up and kissing me on my lips.

"Thank you, you look good too."

"Alright let's go, the movie starts in 20 minutes."

I grabbed my keys and we finally headed out.


"Awww the movie was sooooo nice. I loved it." I said smiling. We were leaving the theater room, holding hands like we got use to do.

"It was ok." he smiled.

"How about we get some food and go back to my place? I don't feel like staying out."

"That's fine with me. I don't feel like staying out either."

"Are you ok? Is your leg bothering you?" I asked, because he was kind of quiet the whole night.

"Nah I'm good. I'm just a little worried about my sister. She met a guy and they are texting back and forth since."

"And, where is the problem?" I asked confused.

"I don't want her to date some dude that I don't know. She will only end up getting hurt."

"Shawn it's really sweet of you to be worried, but she is grown, she knows what she is doing. And besides, he is not a bad guy." I said.

"You know him?" he asked surprised.

"Yes, and you do too. But if Julie didn't tell you who it is, it's not my place to say anything."

"Who is it?" he asked, ignoring what I just said.

"Nuh-uh, I'm not telling you." I said kissing him.

"Babe c'mon, you are supposed to be on my side." he said kissing me back.

"I'm not telling you. C'mon let's get some food and go back home. I need to show you something." I said smirking.

We got food and dessert and headed to my place. Shawn's mood still didn't light up, but I didn't push the subject any further. I wasn't sure how Shawn would react to Julie and Riley, but I would let Julie have this conversation with him.

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