Chapter 10

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

The next morning I was a little sleepy, because I had a hard time falling asleep last night, but it was nothing I hadn't done before, so I knew I would be fine. As I collected the files I would need to start my day of work, I noticed a face that also didn't look so upbeat for the day.

"Hey... what's with you?" I asked Riley, who was standing by the front desk, holding his head in his hand and looking into space.

"Uh..? Nothing." He snapped out of it. I gave him a look and he sighed "Except that I broke up with Larissa."

"You did?" I asked surprised "Why?"

"We were just... fighting a lot, and for the smallest things. I think that was it for us, you know?"

"Aww Riley, I'm so sorry." I walked closer to him and rubbed his arm.

"That's okay, I wish it would have worked out, but to be honest... it would end at some point. Larissa is fun and all, but I don't see a future with her. I didn't even like when she would spend the whole week at my place." He shrugged.

I could tell he was partially trying to comfort himself and reassure the breakup was the
right thing, but I honestly never saw Larissa as the girl he would really settle with. I wouldn't meddle if he decided to though.

"It's going to be okay" I hugged him "It was probably for the best."

"Yeah, I guess." He sighed "Now I'll have to start all over again. The parties, the phone numbers, the meaningless sex..." I pulled him away a little and saw him smirking.

"Ugh, you're a jerk, I can't believe I was feeling bad for you." I started walking away and left him there.

"What? I am sad, I'm fragile." He said behind me, but I ignored him.

Ugh, men.


Shawn's P.O.V

"Hey big brother, how are you doing today?" Julie asked me as she entered my room.

"I'm fine. Where is my little man?"

"Daycare." She said sitting down next to my bed.

"Oh okay. I can't wait to get released. I want to go back to work." I sighed.

"You'll have to wait until you are healthy again. I already took care of your job. They
said there is no rush for you to go back and that they'll wait for you."
Julie said.

"That's good, thank you. So, what else did I miss while I was in coma?" I asked feeling left out of the latest events around the world.

"Speaking of that, I brought some old newspapers, so you can see what happened."

"How about you read it for me?" I wanted to know, but I wasn't really in the mood to read it at the moment.

"Alright, so I guess you want to know about the Nets? They won the last four games. The playoff starts next week."

"That's cool." I smiled.

"Okay, then there was a very bad plane crash in Europe. Over 150 people died."

"Yeah, I know." I nodded my head.

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