Chapter 8

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Shawn's P.O.V

Shot. I got shot. Who the hell would shoot at me? I mean I thought I was living in a safe neighborhood and still I ended up in a hospital, in a coma for over a month, and I can't even remember why. The only thing I can remember is how I was walking home after I was done with some extra stuff at my job, and I remember that I was talking on the phone with Julie and Camron, but after that there is nothing.

The doctor told me that it will take some time until I'm completely fine. I actually got shot three
times, one in my head and two times in my leg. That explains why I can't move it without feeling any pain. Dr. White said that after I get released I need to take some physiotherapy to get back on track. He even said that I was very lucky because the shot in my head could have damaged my brain, but everything is fine.

"How are you feeling Mr. Carter?" A nurse asked smiling at me. She introduced herself as Marie, she seemed to be a really nice lady. I guess she was the one who took care of me this whole time.

"I guess the painkillers are working." I said smiling a little as well.

"That's good. I called your sister and she wanted to come immediately, but it's past our visiting hour so I needed to explain to her that it's better if she waits until tomorrow, that way she can stay longer. She sounded really happy to finally know where you are."

"I can imagine. I would go crazy not knowing where my sister is. I can't wait to see her." I said. I can't even imagine how Julie was feeling this whole time. We have a very close relationship since our parents died. We are actually the only family we have. I would do everything for her and I know that she would do everything for me as well. I bet she was going through hell this past month. I feel so bad just thinking about it.

"Like I told your sister, you have to wait until tomorrow and now it's time for your
dinner. It would be really good if you eat all of it since you lost a lot of weight since you checked in."
she said placing a plate with some food in front of me.

"I'll try, but I can't promise anything. I heard some things about hospital food." I joked.

"You better eat young man." she said laughing a little.

"I will, and by the way, thank you for taking care of me all this time."

"You don't need to thank me, that's my job, but it wasn't me who took care of you. The nurse that usually does had a day off today. I bet she will be happy to hear that you finally woke up."

"Well, then I will thank her if I see her." I said.

After she left I tried to eat but first, I wasn't really hungry and second, I didn't liked it. Maybe
breakfast tomorrow morning will be better and Julie definitely needs to cook something for me, because I have no idea for how long I need to stay here, and I really don't like this food.


Beyoncé's P.O.V

The next day I still got to spend some time with Solo and Julez, but I was a little sad because
they were going back home later. I wish they could stay more, but both Solange and I had to get back to work.

And speaking of, I was a little nervous to think about going back. I feel so embarrassed. Even
though no one knows about my thought, and never will, I still feel like it will be written all over my face and in a very crazy way, I'm afraid he'll find out.

God, I'm starting to think I went completely crazy this time.

To make the day more fun for Julez, I decided to take him and Solo to the park, so we could play
with him and even see other kids. It was so cute to see him running around and laughing. He's so precious. Children are definitely a little piece of joy, especially at his age.

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