Chapter 2

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

A week had passed since our patient with no identity checked in. I've been thinking a lot about him, because usually they wake up after two or three days, but it was different with him. I keep thinking about the family of this young man, if there is one. They must be so worried. Or maybe he is an asshole, and no one cares about him, and that's why no one is even looking.

"Hellooooo, earth to Beyoncé????" Riley said while snapping his fingers at my face.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Girl what are you thinking about? I'm talking to you for like five minutes."

"I'm sorry. What you said?" I smiled a little, giving him the attention he wanted.

"I asked if we're gonna have lunch together?"

I was about to answer, but I got distracted again, this time not because of patient 1204, but with Dr. White. I can't believe that he's kissing some ugly woman I never saw before.

"WHO is that?" I asked Riley.

"Maybe his girl..." he shrugged, not really caring. "So you're coming? I'm starving." he asked.

"Nooo. I have some things to do before my break." I lied, before walking away and going back inside the room I had just left.

"The nerve of this man! You know since when I have a crush on him? And he just shows up here with some ugly bitch in his arms? I mean, am I invisible? I'm a nice girl and to be honest I look good too. Why the hell he is not interested in me?" I said upset, unintentionally letting out my frustrations to the nearly lifeless body that was lying there.

"Oh God Beyoncé, what are you doing? Now you'll start yelling at unconscious patients that you don't even know the name of?" I said sitting down on the chair, shaking my head at myself "Perfect and now I'm talking to myself too." See that really has to stop, if someone hears me, they will think I'm crazy.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. But why men can never notice that the right person is right in front of them?" I said way more calm.

"I have to go now. I'm going to check on you later. And I know you didn't have any choice other than to lay there and listen to me, but thank you, I do feel better." I smiled at him and left.


"So, he really showed up with someone else?" Paige asked me. I started to tell her what happened at the hospital, but then I started rumbling about it and never concluded it.

"Yes, I can believe he brought some ugly bitch to work and even kissed her."

"And by ugly bitch you mean that she looked great?" she said while drinking some Pepsi.

"Like a supermodel." I half whined. Ugh, she's still a bitch though.

"Oh Bey, maybe you should just forget about him and start going on some dates again. You've been waiting for him for a year."

"But that's the thing. I know that he is my soulmate, I just know it."

"Well he doesn't seem to know it. I have no idea why you're always so complicated when it comes to guys. Like with that loser you dated for almost six months. What was his name again?"

"First of all he wasn't a loser, and second his name was Nick."

"Right Nick! He cheated on you how many times?" she asked, looking at me with those 'I have a point' eyes.

"Paige, just drop it. Michael is not like that. He is a very nice guy."

"Yeah too bad he is taken." she said mockingly.

I hate when she gets like that. It doesn't matter what guy I date. She always has something bad to say. Nick was an asshole for her, Marques was the most selfish guy she ever met then there was Kevin, she hated him with passion for no reason and now Michael. Well she never really met him, but for her I'm wasting my time because he doesn't even know that I exist. But so what? It doesn't mean he never will.

"Why are you so quiet over there?" Paige asked me a few minutes later from the other side of the couch.

The building where she was supposed to teach a class tonight had some electricity problem, so her class got canceled, which gave her the chance to invite me over for dinner. You see, Paige works in a bank during the day, and at night, she's a driving instructor. She says it's an easy job and she makes good extra money out of it. She doesn't get in cars and go to the streets with them though. She only goes over traffic rules and stuff from the books with them.

It was good she could stay today, because I really didn't want to be alone and I also could vent a little more about the terrible event from earlier. But after I got it all out about Michael, or better yet Dr. White, since he's not so close to be my boyfriend anymore, I found myself thinking about something else.

"Nothing. I was just thinking." I looked down at my box of Chinese that I hadn't touched for over 20 minutes and sighed, "There's this guy at the hospital. He's been in a coma for a week and nobody came by looking for him yet."

"The family knows he's there?" She asked.

"No. I mean, he didn't have any ID on him, so we don't know who he is or who to call. But still, somebody should be looking for him." I said with a little frowned forming on my face.

"Maybe somebody is, they just didn't find him yet."

"Yeah, it must be terrible too for someone to be looking for a person for days and not to be able to find. They could be out there thinking the worst happened to him"


Julie's P.O.V

"But mommy, I want to talk to him." Camron whined reaching his hand to the phone.

"Camron, he's too busy with work, he can't be on the phone, now go take your bath like I told you to." I said firmly, but my heart was aching.

I've been trying to talk to Shawn for days and he has yet to pick up the phone. He also didn't call, and I tried his work number, but they say that number does not exist. I think I got it wrong when he told me.

I'm trying my best not to freak out completely because of Camron, but it's getting really, really hard. This is so not like him.

I called the police yesterday and filled a missing person's report because I needed to know that someone other than me is looking for him. I never felt more embarrassed than I did when they asked for his address and I didn't have it, though. I felt so stupid. I did ask Shawn his New York address once, so I could mail Camron to him, but he laughed it off and never told me. Now I feel the dumbest person in the world for hadn't ever asked it seriously. I guess I thought that if I'd ever need it, I could just call him and get it. Now all the police have is his description to work with, and I bet there are not so many tall black males wondering around in NYC.

"You've reached Shawn. I'm kinda busy right now, so... leave a message"

"Shawn, for the love of God, ANSWER your phone, I'm really worried." I cried, leaving my 100th message on his house phone.

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