Chapter 3.9

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TW!!! Knives and throwing knives!


I wake up in my bed and slide up. I'll just try to stand up and walk for a bit. I throw my bedsheets off me and put my feet at the ground. Tubbo sees what I'm doing and quickly walks to me to help me. I grab his hand and slowly bring my weight to my feet.

I first stand mostly on my left feet while I let my right feet slowly take more weight. After some time my weight is fully divided in two and I stand on my two feet without falling.

Hey you did it!!

That's poggers!

I pull my arm back from Tubbo's shoulder and walk around for a bit. It's really slow, but I'm walking again.

I sit down on my bed again.

I'm already tired

That's a lot of energy you have there Y/n.

Tubbo's voice oozes from sarcasm. I push him against his shoulder.

Hey don't be mean!

I frown, but immediately laugh after it. The sound of us laughing fills the air, which sparkles because the sun shines right in our room.

We should get moving.

I don't really know what to do today.

We'll figure it out later okay?


We walk downstairs, I walk a bit slow, but I still walk.

We have some normal tasks today, I help bad with finishing up his project while the rest does stuff with the farm, because we need to plant the seeds and potatoes now.

Hey muffin, will you help me holding this?

Bad helps me out of my thoughts and I help him holding the target while he makes it so it can stay upright without any help.

Thank you

No problem Bad, I'm happy to help.

I think we're done here now. Wait let me grab something.

*He walks away and comes back after a while. He has some throwing knives in his hand and a whetting stone in the other.

We need to sharpen the knives, because otherwise it won't really work.

I don't really know how to do that Bad.

It's okay! I'll learn you it, it always comes in handy when you know it.

He gives me a whetting stone and a knife. He grabs one of his own and goes to sit next to me. He lays his stone on the knife and starts moving it slowly over the blade where it needs to be sharpened.

You start here and move it down.

I follow his instructions and see that the blade is getting a bit sharper every time I finish sharpen the blade.

You're doing it great Y/n!

Thank you Bad! To be honest I thought I would be terrible, but it's really cool!


(I don't know how to throw knives so I just did what I learned with shooting with bow and arrow, sorry if it's incorrect)

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