Chapter 1.1

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A/n I wrote this chapter and half of the following chapter in the middle of the night, so expect some faults, I won't fix the smaller ones so live with it.

Some new peopke show up so here's their font:


TW!!! Mentions of periods


After a while we stop hugging and I see that everyone is staring at us.

I smile a bit embarrassed, but  Tubbo puts his hand on my shoulder and leads me to the other two persons to introduce them to me.

The first person he drags me to is the man, I believe he's called Will or something.

We shake hands,

Hi I'm Wilbur, but you can call me Will

Hi, I'm Y/n but call me N/n

(Don't forget, I think N/n is beans)

After our awkward conversation I turn to the woman.

She doesn't hesitate and just hugs me and I hug her back, I already feel that we're going to have a great friendship together.

Hi I'm Niki, the only sane person here

Hi Niki, I think I have to be offended by this comment, but I think you're right.

We chuckle for a moment.

Then I walk with Niki towards the other by the plane.

Hey guys, what should we do now?

I really don't know, but I'm sure Y/n and Techno should be the leaders for now.

Thank you Tubbo, but I think he's right, do any of you two know how to use a weapon?

I do

Niki I didn't expect that from you!

Sometimes the streets aren't that safe so I have to protect my friends and myself.

(I hate going outside alone in the dark for that reason and yes I'm a girl)

I have to add that we need to go to a land where we can farm, because we need to provide ourselves. If we can find a good place we can train you, Will.

And Tubbo then?

Who do you think was my training buddy in the UK? A cow? God?

I did a medical study and worked there for two years, so I can heal and stuff.

I found a place where we can train and live. THE NETHERLANDS

(I totally don't live there, believe me, believe me please)

We can drive there, the airports are strange there.

(I always get lost there)

I can fix two cars, we'll steal them from the streets.


Yea Will, no one is here so that shouldn't be a problem. I saw a green car standing here.

I will grab our luggage with Will Y/n. Will you go with Niki and Tubbo to fix two cars?



We arrive at the car Niki told us about and I give Tubbo a bobby pin after he gives one look at the lock.

He opens it and we have our first car.

Niki opened one too and we drive them to the plane.

The boys have grabbed the luggage of Techno and me and are sitting on it.

We step out of the cars and we start putting our luggage in.

Then I feel a hand on my shoulder, it's Niki.

*Do you have any pads with you?

Yes I do, here.

I hand them over to her, when she mentioned the pads I realized that I'm on my period too.*

(This one maybe needs a bit of explanation, Y/n was born a girl, but identifies as they/them since very young, they never wanted/want to use testosterone so that's why they're on their period)

I shout to the rest,

We need to use the bathroom, we're back in 10!

Stay safe!

I learned that writing after 10 gives you a lot of inspiration so I will do that more.

Please don't forget to eat, drink and take your medicines.

I love you,


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