Chapter XVIII- Moving In

Beginne am Anfang

I get my own bathroom again, though looking at the tub didn't bring back any fond memories. I remembered the water changing shades of red, cursing out who I thought was my foster mom but was Shuichi.

I left tthe room, not wanting to relive that moment more than when I actually lived it. I plopped back onto the bed, straing at the ceiling letting my thoughts consume me.

Lying scumbag, you don't deserve life this good. 

You've hurt people, multiple times.

Can you comprehend the pain you made others feel?


Shut up, for a damn moment. Face it, you're a terrible person.

You think you deserve someone like Shuichi? He's too good for you.

You think they want you here? You're dead wrong. They took pity on your weak, tiny, sad self.

If you weren't here, he wouldn't worry now would he?

Look at it straight on, things would be better if you didn't exist.

Stop it! I don't want to cr- before I could even finish that thought, I felt water falter down my face. I sat upright and wiped them away but now before a certain someone enveloped me in an embrace from behind.

"Shu-Shumai?" I stuttered from how unexpected it was.

He breathed on my neck which made me flinch, "You looked like you needed this." He was right, even if I didn't want to admit it.

"Did I make you worry?" I asked. He nodded and nuzzled his chin into my neck.

How I love moments like this. He doesn't seem like the type on the outside, but in private he's pretty affectionate once he's comfortable with someone. I turned my head towards him and kissed his forehead. He shivered and turned his face into my neck so I couldn't see his blush even though I already had. How can he be so adorable? I smiled to myself.

He gently pulled his head away from my neck, "Guess we should get to unpacking?"

"Awe! Dang, I was hoping for that to last longer Shumai," I pouted like a child. He chuckled and pulled the bag over to us.

We unpacked the bag, putting the clothes in the dresser, my phone in the nightstand drawer, the notebooks on top of the dresser, my old sheets on the bed as well as the bear, and lastly put the bottle of grape fanta on the other nightstand.

When we finished his uncle shouted something like, 'I have to leave for work' or something like that.

"Looks like we'll have to fend for ourselves Shuichi!" I teased.

Shuichi chuckled, "I guess so. Want me to make some food?"

"Um, okay. I'm not very hungry though."

He put a reassuring hand on my back, "Okay. I'll still make you some, but you don't have to eat it all if you're not up for it." I nodded and he removed his hand from my back. I held his hand in mine and we went down the stairs to the kitchen together.

"How about a rice omelet?" He suggested.

I swayed my head while thinking, "Sounds yummy!"

I helped Shuichi grab the ingredients like the rice and some of the spices. Although I couldn't get most of it since most of the stuff was up too high to reach without help. I took a seat while Shuichi started cooking the omelet and put a pot of boiling water on the stove top. Hearing the eggs sizzle was sort of a soothing sound, I almost fell asleep on the barstool.

"Hey Kokichi-" I heard a voice like Shuichi's murmur. "I've got some food ready for you."

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, "Thanks Shumai!" I gingerly took hold of the plate with chopsticks.

I could only take a couple bites with the disgusting feeling of the food going down my esophagus. Every bite felt like it would add pounds to me.

I decided I couldn't stomach any more of it and washed my plate. Shuichi also washed his own dish after I did my own.

"I think I have an idea!" Shuichi shouted. "Go up to your bedroom and I'll meet you there in a few minutes or so."

I nodded and galloped back up to the bedroom, then waited on the bed.

He came in later, laptop in his arms. "Movie?"

I smiled at him and patted the spot next to me for him to come and sit. He took the spot and the movie already started so I had no clue what he's chosen this time. It ended up being a movie he'd gotten from Gonta to watch. It was about bugs, and I was jumpy as hell. I clung to Shuichi's arm the entire movie seeing the creepy crawlies, it was so gross.

When the film ended, I was yawning. I didn't want to go to sleep since I've never gone to sleep without a nightmare of some kind.

I leaned my head on Shuichi's shoulder.

"You tired?" He asked.

I yawned again. "No way! Sleep is for the weak!"

"Sleep also keeps you awake-" He yawned halfway through. "-and healthy."

He set the laptop on the nightstand closest to him and put an arm around my waist. I snugged into him with a hand on his chest and the other on his back.

"If it's healthy then how come even when I get sleep I'm tired-"

"You need to keep a regular schedule."

I refuted, "You do too then Shumai!"

Shuichi pulled the covers up to get warm and I nuzzled my head into his chest, exhausted as I was. He wrapped his other arm around me as we drifted into a peaceful slumber for once.



I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I'm not in a great mood today or by the time you read this, yesterday for me.

I found out some pretty disturbing news about a close friend of mine, I won't go into details since I don't know many myself but I almost lost him so yeah. I also heard from another friend about a tough time their going through, and I feel guilty because I can't always be there for either of them.

Sorry about the depressing note, I just had to get it off my mind. 

It's almost midnight as well cuz I stayed up writing this so I'm exhausted and I have to get up early for school tomorrow so I have to bid you ado. That way I can get some sleep for once in my life.

Thanks for reading. Love y'all.

~silliesgirlz out

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