Chapter XXXXXIV- Almost Gone

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(This chapter contains sh, read at your own leisure)

I managed to find a gap between the mech's legs and ran back to the others, panting and out of breathe.

The mechs disappeared and all that was left was the mooshy corpse hanging limply from the rope around her neck. Even though I was never fond of her, to be a mangled mess isn't how I imagined her dying. She never changed, ya think being killed by the person you were trying to kill would change someone's perspective.

Guess not.

She just wanted me gone. Dead. Still.

Was she wrong for wanting that?


All you've done is cause trouble for everyone. Being dead would leave everyone else so much better off.

Not listening. I couldn't. Not then.

The air was still, anyone barely breathing. It was quiet, despite the scene before us. I didn't like how things turned out, but it was the reality and there was no point running from it.

"What a show! Puhuhu!" Monokuma chuckled. "Wasn't that thrilling Kokichi? You almost died too!"

I smirked to mask the fear of it, "I know, it was such a blast! Even though I wasn't found of Miu, she could make things quite interesting!"

"Glad to hear it! Now then, all of you shoo! Get some sleep why don't you?" Monokuma forced us out.

Sachio glared at me again. She was muttering something under her breath, I only heard a part of it. "He's not upset at all, what is wrong with him?" It stung to hear that. Even though I had been closer to Eiko, I had still considered her a friend.

The elevator rose to the cafeteria and everyone filed out. No one saying a word to each other. I sped to the elevator to the dorms. I certainly didn't want ti talk to anyone.

I made it to my dorm and locked the door behind me. The people I had thought changed, the friends I made. None of them cared now, two of them were dead. The one person I fell for, hated me. Maybe that was my karma for exposing Maki. Putting Shuichi through all that suffering. Maybe that was just what I deserved.

He wouldn't have gone through that pain if I had just shut up for once in my life. Maybe I would've been better off dead.

I grabbed the scissors from the end table. There was no one to stop me this time. No one who cared enough to stop me.

Opening the door to the bathroom, I sat on the counter and locked the door. I rolled up my sleeve, looking at all the previous scaring and healing wounds. I placed the scissors against it, watching as the blood oozed out.

I cut deeper.

The fluid trickled down my arm til I could barely see the original color of my skin there. My head became fuzzy, my vision blurring. I was losing too much. My body slid off the counter to the floor. I could barely feel it happening.

It was nice, comforting even, that death could be so effortless.

I drifted off into the comforting silence. There wasn't a light or some other bs, just black silence but then I started to see them.

All of them. Maki, Kaito, Eiko, Miu, Yua, Daichi, and someone I didn't recognise at first, my mother. Kaito placed a hand on my shoulder then whispered.

"It's not your time yet," and nugied me.

I wanted to reply but I couldn't speak. Then they all disappeared.

I was flashing my eyes open, vision blurred. I could barely tell what was going on. Was it Shuichi? Sachio? The blobs looked like them but it was difficult to make out.

Then I woke up. I was in my bed, arm bandaged. Shuichi and Sachio asleep on the floor. How was I alive? There were no hospitals in this game, was even an infirmary. It couldn't have been fixed by a simple wrap. Why were they even here?

They both seemed to resent me so why put in the effort? I layed back down and stared at the ceiling. I didn't want to be alive, don't make me.

I heard some shuffling as one of them got up. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. More shuffling.

"I hope he wakes up soon," I could clearly hear Shuichi say.

Sachio replied, "I'm sure he will. To think he's that good at hiding his emotions from others. It's sort of terrifying in a way."

"Y-yeah. I suppose, but he feels like he has to."

"Mm. Okay, do you want to take first watch or should I?" Sachio asked.

Shuichi took a sec before responding, "I'll take first. And please don't tell anyone about this alright?"

I had to assume she nodded or something because I heard the door open and close shortly after.

I felt a hand on top of mine, "Please wake up soon Kokichi." Then sniffles followed. Damn it. I made him cry again. Sorry Shuichi.

He got up and I heard the bathroom door open. I rubbed my eyes and sat upright, looking around the room. His back was towards me as he scrubbed the floor. I could only assume why.

I watched as he cleaned, I didn't want to interrupt so I didn't say anything. And then he finally turned around.

He had a shocked expression on his faced as he dropped the sponge ad bucket he'd been holding. "Kokichi!" He ran at me, engulfing me in a hug. It hurt a tad but he needed it so I didn't shove him off. "I'm sorry I p-pushed you a-away, I blamed you but I shouldn't have. Pl-plus we need people around us when we lose someone! I'm sorry I wasn't there."

He was sniffling and crying but, I didn't say anything. I just glared. He looked at me and apologized again, but I knew he would leave again if I gave him the chance. I wasn't ready to trust, I wasn't ready for another relationship failure.

"Are you-... Are you going to reply at all?" He eventually asked.

I muttered, "Leave."


I snapped, "LEAVE! Take a hint. I didn't want you here in the first place. Get out."

He nodded and went to the door, "Just- just knock on my door if you ever want to talk. I'll go now." The door opened and closed and I was left in my room alone.

I was angry. He hadn't talked to me all that time and when I was at my weakest, that's when he came back. Even still, I loved him. It was stupid, but I needed more time. Even though I didn't know how much I'd have left, especially in a killing game.

I unwrapped the bandage around my arm, stitches. I had stitches from it. Great. It stung but I did my best to ignore it. I changed clothes, the ones I had been wearing were stained with blood so I didn't really have a choice.

I got a black sweater on and some black ripped jeans. Then I looked at the bathroom. The water bucket soaking the floor, hues of the red from the water and uncleaned splotches on the floor from where I'd fallen. I picked up the sponge and bucket then filled the bucket and finished cleaning it. There were still some wet spots of water but I'd let that air dry. Think smarter not harder right?

Then I plopped on my bed, arm terribly sore. It was excruciating. Then a knock came on the door. Against my will and comfortableness of the squishy bed, I got up and answered it.

"Hello Kokichi, look," it was Sachio. Someone I didn't really want to see. "I wanted to apologize. For all- all the blame and glares. You didn't do it, I shouldn't have blamed you. So I guess, I'm sorry." She glanced at my arm which was covered by a sleeve. "Do you still have the wrap on it, the stitches will come out if you don't."

I didn't care if they came out but couldn't tell her that. "Still has the wrap, what are you my mom?" I said in a childish tone to give a false fun attitude.

She sighed, "Just be careful. If you need to talk with someone about Eiko, I certainly wouldn't mind."

I thought about it for a second, "Nah." Then closed the door.


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