Kirk and I wouldn't stop talking to each other. I can't think of one moment where I weren't smiling. We walked through the park and went through a short cut to the town.

Kirk: "hey look, shall we get pizza? That pizzeria is still open." My belly was rumbling hard so I quickly respond

Y/n: "Oh my god yes I'm starving." I say as he grabs my hand we start sprinting to the takeaway.

Kirk: "hey we'd like to get a takeaway, y/n you like pepperoni?" He ask still smiling.

Y/n: "I'm vegetarian kirk" he says as his eyes widen.

Kirk: "yo literally, same." He says smiling all shocked and surprised.

Kirk: "a margarita will do, how much? 10, here, thanks" he says as he turns his head to the worker. As he's taking I focus on his side profile, how is nose goes straight down with a slight bump at the tip, his pouty lips curving with a bow and arrow shape (only the bow). And his jawline, smooth and sharp as he talks.

Y/n: "Kirk" I say still staring at his nose.

Kirk: "yeah y/n" he says turning himself towards me with his hands in his pockets.

Y/n: "Can I take you somewhere special to eat this?"

Kirk: "of corse, where?" He asks

Y/n: "you'll see" I say as I take the pizza. We say our thankyou's and walk out holding hands.

Kirk: "so where are you taking me?"

Y/n: "somewhere special" I say as many memories dance around my mind, this place, is so special.

Y/n: "I wanna tell you something personal Kirk, about the place I'm taking you." I say promising myself not to cry.

Kirk: "sure, you can trust me I won't tell anyone." He says staring at me worried.

Y/n: "growing up, we had 2 dogs. Pepper and Pumpkin. We found them both in the place where I'm taking you, in a box, abandoned. So we took them in and gave them their names and all that blah blah blah. I wanted full responsibility of them so I took them on walks everyday to this place, but one day, 2 years ago. Pumpkin was shot. Someone was walking around with their dogs and apparently Pumpkin attacked them so he shot her." I say tearing up, I can still feel Kirk looking at me.

Y/n: "and I've never taken my friends here so consider yourself very special." I say looking at him with a mascara down my cheek. Kirk looks at me with sympathy in his eyes, the moonlight made the tears visible on his lids and cheek.

Kirk: "Thankyou, thank you so much for sharing that with me. I hope you know that I'm hear for you every step of the way and if you ever need me, you have my number." He says with a faint smile on his face. Both of our heads turn to see a large hill, with the moon set right on top.

I look over to him, smiling with his eyes glowing from the light. I tug his hand gently as we stride up the hill, getting closer and closer to the top.

As we reach the top, I put my head on Kirks shoulder,

Y/n: "wow, I haven't seen this in a while." I say looking at the beautiful ocean of San Francisco.

Y/n: "have you ever been to the opposite side of town before?" I say looking up to him.

Kirk: "No... it's stunning. We should come here more often." He says as we both sit down.

Kirk: "ah, I remembered that I brought us blankets." He says handing me one with a smile on his face. After, he grabs the beer then opens the pizza.

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