Chapter 5

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Hey, we can do this

The sun was starting to set as Cliff and I went outside to smoke a joint. Yes, I've become a smoker, and yes, I'm not proud. We stood in silence passing the joint back to one another after we each took a puff.

Cliff: "it's peaceful, isn't it?" He said quietly. Making eye contact to the pail pink sky.

Y/n: "yeah, it is". I say smiling a little.
I don't usually talk with Cliff much but now is my chance to get to know him a bit more.

Y/n: "Cliff, can I ask you something?"

Cliff: "Do I even have a choice?" He says turning himself to face me.

Y/n: "What do you think of me? You know, joining the band out of nowhere?  Does it bother you?" I ask anxiously. It kills me when he gives me these stares, I want to know what he's thinking. But he never says anything.

Cliff: "it was my idea" he says taking the joint out of my hand.

Y/n: "What was?" I ask watching him inhale the smoke.

Cliff: "to go on stage and join you." He says calmly, handing me the joint back.

Y/n: "Seriously? Thanks." I say in disbelief. As I take one more puff of the joint, I drop it on the ground, rubbing my foot on it.

Cliff: "You know. I really like that you've joined our band. You give us amazing ideas and put such an effort into the song we made yesterday." He says nicely as we both start walking back into the building.

Still talking to Cliff, I open the door to see Kirk running towards us dramatically .

Y/n: "Woah woah Kirk what's wrong calm dow-" I say but Kirk cuts me off.

Kirk: "Well, while you two were out there smoking, a band was playing and they're almost done! So get your asses to your instrument, and let's do this!" He yells loudly.

We all start sprinting to our set up to see James and Lars waiting for us patiently.

James: "you took your time, they're about to open the curtains." James whispers, keeping his voice down so the audience couldn't hear.

Waiting nervously, I hear the host talking about the act before us and I start getting scared. Realising I'm about to play in front of loads of people and I'm not good with crowds.

I suddenly feel a warm hand touch my shoulder

Kirk: "hey, we can do this, you can do this" he says squeezing my shoulder gently. I smile at him and turn my head as the host talks louder.

Host: "And now, for our next act. Metal heads, please put your hands together for... METALLICA!" He shouts as the curtains drew and the audience started to clap.

I can hear Lars behind me say quietly, 1,2,3,4, tapping his drumsticks together while counting. James, Kirk and I begin playing the first riff of the song Seek And Destroy we made previously.

My ear piece is in but I can hear the crowd clap along to the beat and stomping their feet. I look around to see people jumping up and down, some people head banging and there's even a mash pits taking place.

James began singing and occasionally throughout the song I step forth to say a few words. So many people were digging the song and my confidence got bigger and bigger. I turn to Kirk and give him a big smile. I mouth the words 'this is great' to him as he replies mouthing 'I know!' .

Our solo was coming up so I look at Kirk to signal when we both start. As I did, the sound of both our guitars slapped people round the face and the crowd was going wild. I look to the side to see the other bands watching and obviously they are shitting themselves as we're the last ones to perform so nobody can top us.

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