Girlfriend Corporation: Fifteen

Start from the beginning

"I gave it up, Dad. You know how Mom is when I don't do what she wanted. It doesn't end well. And besides, even if I try again, Mom would just pull out my résumé." I can't do anything with that. Mom always find a way for me to obey her wishes. Or.. demands.

[Julia.] His voice was laced with worry. I'm thankful that I grew up very close to him. He's always been the only one who seemed to understand me. [It would be such a waste. I received the call from that Artstuff and they said you're qualified for their slot.] I felt my eyes widened in shock.

"REALLY?!" I gushed. Oh my God! Is this real?! I even stood up hastily from excitement. I was really.. qualified?!

[Your Mom doesn't know. It just happened that I was the one who answered the call. I.. I want to help you. It's not too late to do that, right? I want you to be happy.] I can feel my cheeks stretch from smiling so much. I'm just that happy! [I'll call them back and will discuss this with your mother later, okay?]

"Thank you so much, Dad!" I said while hastily nodding my head. "I love you so much!"

[I love you too, Julia. Gotta go. Urgent meeting. Careful there, okay?]

"Alright. You too. Byeeee." I squealed after ending the call. Oh my whyyyyy! I'm actually going to work at Artstuff! I still couldn't believe it but.. this isn't a dream, right?! Not another made up scenario by my fucked up head? But the only thing that confuses me was, how did it happened that Dad was the one who received the confirmation call? I remember writing my own number in there.

Oh. Mom must have did it. She really don't want me to go there because it has nothing to do with the family business. Pfft. I already took up BA and I'm on my last year. I want to try the Artstuff as a back up. I feel like I wouldn't really enjoy the business stuff. I like studying about it but I don't want it as a job or anything. I couldn't imagine myself with numerous business meetings, insincere friendships. It was all money and I hate it. Unlike Art, it was something I am happy on doing. It was something I'm passionate about.

I'm still worried about Mom disagreeing but.. Dad supports me. Right? It should be enough for me to accept the offer in Artstuff.

"BABE! ARTSTUFF CALLED! OH MY WHY!" I shouted when I walked inside the dormitory again.

"OH MY WHY! YOU GOT IT?! OH MY WHY!" Yuna joined my round of squeaks.

"Not yet but.. they called Dad for confirmation! That has to be something! I can, babe! I can!" We both let out a loud squeal and Yuna excitedly ran to me and engulfed me with a hug.

"Congrats, babeeee! I'm so proud of you!" Yuna was still hugging me tightly and now we're both jumping.

"Thank youuu!" After a few more seconds of Yuna and I's weird celebration, my eye caught on very confused Ryujin and Chaeryoung alternating their gaze on us like we're some mental case. I awkwardly cleared my throat and pulled away from Yuna.

"Okay. I don't get it." Chaeryoung said while scratching her head. Pfft. She looked cute like that. But..

"It's a sisters thing. You won't get it." I chuckled at Yuna's childishness. Yeah. We're basically sisters. We're that inseparable. My smile faded when my gaze landed on Ryujin. I don't know. She was smiling but I still feel uneasy. I couldn't even look at her eye without being uncomfortable.

"I'm cooking Austrian Wiener Schnitzel." I just feel like celebrating. I know that dish was pretty time consuming and it was unhealthy. But Yuna liked it. It was her favorite western dish. So Yuna was the happiest hearing that I was going to cook that.

"Oh. Sound cozy.. and sossy." I chuckled at the careful choice of Chaeryoung's words.

"It is." Ryujin whispered but I doubt they heard it. Oh. So she has some knowledge western foods. She's just not that.. talented when it comes to cooking.

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