5 • Tacenda

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Ta • cen • da
Noun | Meaning
Things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence.

I wake up to a bright light shining in my eyes, making my eyes flutter open. As my vision slowly becomes clear I see a road in front of me. I'm in a car? 

Then as I look better, I recognize the road. This is the road that leads to our neighborhood. This is the road home. 

In a flash, everything comes back to me and I sit up straight. I'm in the passenger's seat. On my left is Nekane behind the wheel and he doesn't even acknowledge me waking up. He completely ignores me. 

When I want to push my hand through my hair, something stops me and when I look down I can see my hands are cuffed. He cuffed my damn hands. My head whips in his direction and I shoot daggers toward him with my eyes. "You fucking cuffed me?!" I exclaim but I don't get any reaction out of him, making my blood boil. 

"What the hell Nekane! You do realize what you're doing right now, right?! You're kidnapping me!" I yell at him, the things I say catching his attention. "Bringing my wife home isn't kidnapping," He states and I roll my eyes. "It is, if it's against her will," I tell him. 

After our small conversation, it becomes silent again, making me want to scream out. I can't believe this is happening. I thought he would've given up by now. The way he treats me... why would he want me back if he's only going to act like this? He'll get nothing out of it.  

I watch the road as we come closer to our neighborhood. I practically dread every second. I don't even know where my phone is so I can't even call or text someone. I'm completely helpless. 

After about another 5 minutes we enter our neighborhood and a few minutes later our street. My old street. And then I see the house, what used to be my home. It still looks exactly the same, nothing's changed. 

I watch as we pass a few gates until we arrive at our own. Nekane pushes a button and it opens up. I bite my lip as we enter our property and I take a look around our front yard. Then I see Nekane's planning on driving into the garage and my heart sinks to my stomach. It's like PTSD.

Flashbacks of the dead man flash before my eyes and my throat closes up as we get closer. "Nekane don't," I say and he looks at me, almost confused. "Don't park in the garage," I tell him but he decides to ignore me. 

The garage opens up and my stomach tightens as my breathing increases. "Nekane stop it!" I yell at him but he ignores me. Fuck this. 

I look at the door handle and decide to try it. We aren't driving fast anymore anyway. In the most awkward way possible, I unbuckle my belt and before Nekane can react I open the door and let myself fall out of the car. 

"Julia- what the fuck?!" I hear him yell as the car drives past me and I slowly get on my feet again. Behind me, I can hear the car come to a halt and Nekane get out. He stomps over to me and grabs me roughly by the arm, dragging me to the front door. 

When we get inside, he practically throws me on the floor but I'm able to keep my balance. "What was that about?! People could've seen you!" He yelled at me, making me angry. "I told you I didn't want you to drive into the garage!" I yell back.

"Why not?! It's fucking garage, Juliane!" 

"Why do you think Nekane?! Do you really think I'd just leave for no reason last year?! Of course not! I saw the body! I saw the body in the goddamn freezer in our fucking garage!" I exclaim, letting it all out. This is all going really fast, way too fast. 

My chest is heaving up and down and I feel like crying. 

Nekane looks at me in shock. 

"You really thought it was a coincidence that I left the same night while you were busy with a dead body in our garage?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "That wasn't the first time Juliane so yes, I did." He confesses making my eyes grow wide. 

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