7 • Cruor

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Cru • or
Noun | Meaning
Blood, gore; (figuratively) Murder, bloodshed

Dinner was horrible. Neither of us talked to each other and I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand this entire situation. The little puddle of blood kept finding its way back into my brain, making me uncomfortable and on edge. I know he would never do it but what if he would? What if one day he snaps and actually kills me? 

What if I get pregnant, kill the baby, and as revenge he kills me. 

My hand rests on my tummy for a second as I'm sitting in the tub. I needed my muscles to relax for a minute, calm myself down. But so far nothing has helped.  I can't believe I'm back here, right back where I started. 

These walls used to be my home but now it feels like a cage where people get murdered in. 

I bite my lip to stop it from trembling. My skin has become all wrinkly because I've been in the tub probably for over an hour. But I'm simply trying to avoid the moment when I have to go to be. Nekane stopped on the way back from our dinner at a shop and I just know he found something to bind me with for the night. 

I wipe away the single tear that rolls down my cheek, taking a deep breath. 

When I finally decide to get out of the tub, I get out slowly, trying to save every second before entering that bedroom. I wrap a towel around me and brush my hair and teeth. When I'm done, I realize that I have to leave the bathroom now to get to my closet where my pajamas are. 

As I carefully open and close the door of the bathroom, entering our bedroom, I immediately meet eyes with Nekane. Out of reflex, I tighten the towel around my body. His stare almost burns my skin, making me feel uncomfortable and hot at the same time. 

I slowly walk to the door of my closet but when I try to turn the handle, it doesn't budge. Confused I try it again but still nothing. "I locked it," I hear Nekane say behind me, making me turn around to him in shock. 

"You know sleeping without underwear on is better for that sweet pussy of yours," He remarks, making my eyes almost fall out of my eye sockets. "Okay and what about the rest of my body?!" 

"You're not going to sleep with any clothes on Jules, you never did and you never will." He says, talking to me like I'm a child. "Fuck you Nekane, I'm not sleeping naked with you," I say through my teeth. Nekane however is having none of it. 

He stands up from the bed and with a few large steps, he's in front of me. Without hesitation, he picks me up by my legs and throws me over his shoulder. "Kane!" I shriek as he walks to my side of the bed, which is the right one, and THROWS me down on it. 

Before I can even comprehend what's happening next, he already has my wrists in his hands and binds them to the headboard with rope. Fucking rope. 

I look at him in shock and when he's done I pull a few times but the knot he made doesn't budge. Neither can I reach it with my hands. I'm officially stuck. "This is just to make sure you don't run away from me at night again. You can still move around, the rope will move with you," He shows as he turns my body around. 

Great I can lay on both sides of my body... note the sarcasm. 

Out of nowhere, he then snatches the towel off my body, making me yelp. Luckily, quickly after that, he throws the sheets over my body, hiding my naked skin. I let out a relieved breath as he then walks away from me. I watch him walk to the other side of the bed and getting in. 

I decided to turn my back to him, not feeling like making conversation with him right now. As I lay on my left side I feel him creep closer to my body until I feel him against my skin. I flinch at the touch as his arm snakes around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest. 

CRIMINALOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora