Pansy linked her arm into my own, pulling me towards the bar. She handed Ginny and I a butterbeer, dyed for whichever team you were cheering on. It looked absolutely revolting and probably tasted just as bad as it looked. 

"Cheers!" she smirked, cliniking her glass to ours.

"So—" Ginny leaned against the bar, raising her brows in inquiry. "How are things with a certain pale haired wizard?"

Pansy let out a squeal, grabbing onto my arm tightly. Her long, black lacquered nails dug into my flesh causing me to flench. I Rolled my eyes trying to wiggled out of her sharp grasp. 

"What? Is he still ignoring you?" Ginny looked between us, furrowing her brow.

"Oh no— Mr. Draco Malfoy is most certainly not ignoring Miss Armena Riddle-Lestrange!" Pansy smirked. "He owled her— last night, in fact."

I rolled my eyes, looking down into my glass of green butterbeer. I chewed on the inside of my cheek, trying to suppress my smile that was threatening on my lips. 

I thought back to last night when I had arrived home through the flue in our flat. I was still trying to grasp everything that had happened in the last hour with Draco. He went from ignoring me for two weeks to basically eye fucking me in a matter of seconds. I let out a groan as I kicked off my heels, Pansy rushed out of her shared room with Potter, squealing with excitement. A regal looking grey horned owl was perched on the counter, its large eyes gawking at us as we approached. In its mouth, held an expensive looking piece of parchment and next to it, a large matte black box. I shrugged off my trench, tossing it carelessly on the sofa. I padded my way over to the counter, snatching the envelope out of the owl's beak. It flapped its wings three times before settling back down. I flipped over the envelope in my hands, my fingers tracing the blood red emblem, with the letter "M" perfectly pressed into the wax.

"Open it!" Pansy shrieked, leaning over my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and popped off the wax, opening the lip of the letter. I pulled out the expensive creamy rich stationary and scanned the page.


I trust that you got home safely and are not still standing in the Atrium where I left you last. If you are, well then I deeply apologize. Maybe I should consider escorting you home from now on. As promised, I am owling you to see if you would do me the greatest pleasure in letting me take you on a proper date. I have secured a reservation for this Saturday, October eighteenth at eight o'clock in the evening. 

Please respond if you accept or decline.

I do hope that you choose to accept, I fear that my ego will be quite bruised if you deny. 

Hope to hear from you soon.

Xx D.M.

I dropped the stationary down to my side as I stood gawking at the large black package. Pansy was about to wet her knickers beside me with excitement. She snatched the parchment out of my hands and read it out loud multiple times, while I just stared at the expensive looking package. My hands slipped up to feel the box, tracing each of the smooth edges. I let out a deep breath as I flipped off the lid, revealing crisp black paper with a small card on top. Pansy was quick, snatching the card off before I could even blink. I mean, not that I made any move to try. I was still frozen from the first letter.

"I deeply enjoy the way crimson looks on you" Pansy gasped, clutching both the letter and the card to her chest.

I pulled back the black paper, revealing blood red silk fabric. My fingers traced the expensive material, pulling it up out of the box. I held the dress up to my body, turning around to face Pansy. Her dark eyes were wide as the full moon in the sky above. Her lips pulled up at the corners until she was grinning ear to ear.  

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