Chapter 23 (Edited)

ابدأ من البداية

Not ready to head into the mess that was the living room Henry decided to stay in the kitchen with little Marnie. Standing by the kitchen Island he looked and his sweet princess who had perched herself on the barstool. Her look was softened, she never wore her curls down, they had always been tied back in a messy bun. But today her hair was out cascading over her shoulders, he tucked away in his memory to suggest she does that when she is big. He bustled about through the kitchen trying to find bit and pieces. He had been here before the place was familiar but it was faint memories more of feelings and things that Marnie had done for him rather than specifics like where the plates and cutlery where.

Finally, he found the toaster and a Sippy Cup that looked very familiar along with some batman plastic plates. He would have to have a talk with Marnie about where his superman stuff was. When he had arrived home on that dreadful day everything was gone. All remnants of his little life had been packed up and taken apart from Geralt and His grey shark. Hoping she had not sold them but just stored them here just in case she stayed this way for a long time. Having made some toast with strawberry preserve he placed a plate in front of Marnie along with some juice in the Sippy Cup. She picked up the triangle he had cut for her and delicately started nibbling on it. Hoping that she would continue in this fashion he said "Marnie, Your prince needs to go clean up the living room are you going to be ok here until I'm finished"

Eyes full of Innocence she nodded "Uh Hu, I Otay Pumin" he looked at her for a second trying to figure out if she was playing with him or if this was real. Pumpkin was an affectionate nickname she called him when he was in little space or in real distress. It sounded odd and almost unnatural coming from her in this child-like manner. She started humming and began eating the next square. Huffing to himself he picked up a garbage bag thankfully one thing he had found in his search and moved to the living room. It took maybe 15mins at most to correct the mess in the room and bring it back to the order he knew Marnie would love. Hearing her humming away in the kitchen he smiled, this wasn't so bad looking after an adult in child space.

Famous last words were all Henry kept repeating to himself as he looked at the kitchen. She had finished her toast beautifully however she must have been still hungry for she had gotten up and opened the jar of Strawberry preserve. But instead of eating it she had used it to paint, not just herself but the kitchen benches, cupboard doors and had just started painting the floor when he had walked in panicking when he could not see her before shock had set in when he walked around the island and found her masterpiece. Groaning and frustrated at his mistake, as he now realised you cannot leave a child alone.

Picking his "little " girl up off the floor she giggled happily "Do ouu wik my paining daddy" he winced at the new title, "I thought I was your prince?" she giggled again as he carried her bridal style away from his body trying not to get the preserve on his clothes. Back in the bathroom, he sat her on the sink, still giggling away and having not answered his question he decided to ignore it and started the bath. Wondering how she had coped seeing him naked he turned and decided to make sure she knew she was safe. "Hey princess, I need to wash all this lovely paint off you. The only way I can do that is to take your clothes off. Are you ok If I help you?" something must have gotten through as she seemed to blush at his statement. She lowered her head but nodded slightly, "sorry sweetness, but I need to hear you say if it's ok?" She seemed to find some courage at this instruction because she looked up at him and said "Otay, my Prince"

Henry Carefully helped her remove the stained clothes then trying not to look he removed her undergarments and helped her into the bath. Thankfully there had been a solitary ducky left from before that he put in the bath for her to play with. Gently he used a face washer to remove the sticky substance which bought a new memory to his mind of them both being in the same room and he was washing the same substance off her cheek. She had lent forward and given him a very light kiss on the lips. He blushed at the memory, thankful the bubbles covered most of her chest but even still the intimacy of this action was making his pants very tight. He left the Hair washing to last, trying to remember how she had done it. Finding a cup under the sink and the shampoo and conditioner he hoped he would be as good as she had been.

Sitting on the edge of the bath Henry spoke to the little girl "Princess, I need to wash your hair now ok? I need you to follow exactly what I say so I don't get soap in your eyes" she looked up at him slight concern filling her eyes. However, in moments she smiled again saying "Dats otay daddy ouuu will do a good job" wincing again at that title knowing it did not mean what she meant it as. His body still betraying him, uncomfortably he however still continued to wash and conditioner her hair. He managed to only once get a bit of water in her eye and thankfully it was only water. Once she was squeaky clean he Smiled at her as she babbled to her ducky, "You ok here for just a minute princess?" She nodded almost ignoring him as he stood and made his way into the bedroom.

Sitting down on the queen-size bed, he picked up his phone, found the number and Dialed "Henry are you ok?" the deep warm voice sent a sense of calm over Henry before he answered," Help!"

A/N Hehehe Comments and Votes are Welcome Selah

Baby Boy Henry (Complete) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن