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"Junkyu, you're not going to believe this," Mashiho gushes as he swings open the door to our room the night after the Christmas show, his hair still wet from his shower, and holding his phone out to me, but he's too far away for me to see what's on it. "There's another fanfiction chapter."

I gasp so deep and suddenly that I choke, and Mashiho laughs at me. "Are you serious? After all this time?"

He nods rapidly. I grab my laptop from where it's in front of me on my desk. "This is a big screen kind of occasion."

Mashiho settles into bed and I get in next to him, propping the laptop up on my knees and going onto the Wattpad website. In our excitement I slip of the bed a little and almost go crashing to the floor, but Mashiho grabs me and saves me.

"If only this room wasn't so small, we could look into getting a double bed," he says. "Maybe now that we're more successful we can get bigger dorms that can have double beds in them."

"Oh, I don't know," I say dreamily. "I like being all squished up with you."

He scrunches up his nose adorably at me, smiling, then turns his attention to the fanfiction. First, we read a short statement from the author apologising for not updating in so long and explaining that it's because they were so freaked out that Mashiho and I might read it.

"'I know it was probably just a one off thing'," Mashiho reads aloud. "'But, if by any chance Junkyu and Mashiho are reading this... um... hi... I love you and thank you for reading my terribly written high school AU (although why in the WORLD are you reading it oh my gosh there are much better fanfics out there, trust me)'."

"I guess we'll have to keep that in mind for when this one ends," I say jokingly, but Mashiho nods seriously. Oh boy. We're going to be reading fanfiction of ourselves forever, aren't we?

Then the author's message ends and we start reading the chapter, funny voices and all. Mashiho nuzzles himself into me the way he always does when we read it.

"You know," I say, interrupting him as he reads. "As much as I loved cuddling up with you to read this, it also killed me a bit, the way you could be so physically affectionate with me like it was no big deal but it... it made my heart explode."

Mashiho's silent for a moment. "I know I was clueless and oblivious and dumb, but, for what it's worth, to me, I don't think you were ever 'no big deal'."

My heart does a little flutter before he goes back to reading the story. In this chapter, Fanfiction Junkyu and Fanfiction Mashiho tell all their friends about their relationship only to discover that they knew all along. Sounds like how all the members knew I loved Mashiho in real life before Mashiho did. They also graduate, which is fun. The entire thing is just fluff, pretty much.

"'They walked home from school together that day, holding hands'," Mashiho reads. "'And they were happier than they ever thought they could be'. Wait... wait is that the end?" He's scrolled down to realise there's no 'to be continued' button, just one saying that we've finished reading it. "Oh no!" he exclaims. "That's so sad!"

I feel a pang of sadness myself. It strikes me then how much of this fanfiction mirrored our actual life as it was happening. When we read the chapter where Fanfiction Mashiho realised he loved Fanfiction Junkyu, that was the night I realised I was in love with Mashiho. Fanfiction Mashiho's pining and Fanfiction Junkyu's obliviousness was just like us, but flipped. Mashiho leaned in to kiss me on the night that we read the chapter about the first kiss. And now everything is happy and fuzzy and they're together, like now. It's crazy to think how those things happened just like this, with us cuddled up in bed reading this together. The author would freak out if they knew... the thought makes me smile. It's stupid, that our love story has been dictated somewhat by chapters in a fanfiction. It's chaotic. But with Mashiho, my world becomes chaotic, so it's only fitting.

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